国際セミナー:「ボルネオにおける持続可能な森林管理の現状と課題―政府、企業、 NGO、地域住民の観点から」開催
”Current Status and Challenges of Sustainable Forest Management in Borneo: Views from governments, private sectors, NGOs, and local communities
(ボルネオにおける持続可能な森林管理の現状と課題―政府、企業、 NGO、地域住民の観点から)”
【場所】京都大学 東南アジア研究所 稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室
12月9、10日に「ライフとグリーンを基軸とする持続型社会発展研究のアジア展開(特別 経費プロジェクト:東南アジア研)」と基盤Sの共催で国際セミナーを開催し、2日間でのべ約120名に御参加頂きました。
基盤Sからは鮫島(企画者)、祖田、Jasonが 発表を行いました。
サラワクを含めたボルネオの森林管理と、そこから生産される合板の主要な輸出先である 日本のマーケットの状況を概括し、どのようにすれば持続的森林管理を普及させることが できるかについての議論を深めることができました。
“Welcome and Opening Address”
●Hiromitsu Samejima (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Objectives of the Seminar”
●Hiromitu Samejima (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Biodiversity of Tropical Rainforest in Borneo”
●Ryoji Soda (Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University, Japan)
“The Trends in Forest Development and Adaptability of Indigenous Communities in Sarawak, Malaysia”
●Yuyun Kurniawan (Kutai Barat program, WWF Indonesia)
“Status of Forested Areas and Its Management Practices including REDD+ in the Upper Mahakam, East Kalimantan”
●Reuben Nilus (Sabah Forestry Department, Malaysia)
“The Current State of Forest Resource Management in Sabah”
●Jason Hon (Sarawak Office, WWF Malaysia) “State of Forestry and SFM in Sarawak – Sharing of Experience”
●Sofyan P. Warsito (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia) “Periodic Inventory (IHMB): Its Role on Forest Sustainability Monitoring and Forest Management Planning”
●Rizki Pandu Permana (The Borneo Initiative, Netherlands & Indonesia) “Large-scale Forest Certification in Borneo: Challenges and Opportunities”
●Mamoru Kanzaki (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Integrated Forested Area Management beyond the Sustainable Forest Management”
●Kanehiro Kitayama (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Management of Bornean Production Forests”
●Ferry Kadi (PT. Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk, Indonesia)
“A Trend of FSC Products Order To PT. Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk.”
●Junichi Mishiba (FoE Japan)
“Tropical Plywood Imports and Distribution in Japan”
●Mutai Hashimoto (WWF Japan) “The State of Production Forests in Indonesia and Responsible Purchasing Behaviour by Japanese Timber Related Industries”
●Tohru Kimura, Hiroki Yokota (TOYO MATERIA, Japan) and Akihiro Soma (JUTEC, Japan)
“Our Effort and Instance for FSC plywood business”
“Welcome and Opening Address”
●Hiromitsu Samejima (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Objectives of the Seminar”
●Hiromitu Samejima (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Biodiversity of Tropical Rainforest in Borneo”
●Ryoji Soda (Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University, Japan)
“The Trends in Forest Development and Adaptability of Indigenous Communities in Sarawak, Malaysia”
●Yuyun Kurniawan (Kutai Barat program, WWF Indonesia)
“Status of Forested Areas and Its Management Practices including REDD+ in the Upper Mahakam, East Kalimantan”
●Reuben Nilus (Sabah Forestry Department, Malaysia)
“The Current State of Forest Resource Management in Sabah”
●Jason Hon (Sarawak Office, WWF Malaysia) “State of Forestry and SFM in Sarawak – Sharing of Experience”
●Sofyan P. Warsito (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia) “Periodic Inventory (IHMB): Its Role on Forest Sustainability Monitoring and Forest Management Planning”
●Rizki Pandu Permana (The Borneo Initiative, Netherlands & Indonesia) “Large-scale Forest Certification in Borneo: Challenges and Opportunities”
●Mamoru Kanzaki (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Integrated Forested Area Management beyond the Sustainable Forest Management”
●Kanehiro Kitayama (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Management of Bornean Production Forests”
●Ferry Kadi (PT. Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk, Indonesia)
“A Trend of FSC Products Order To PT. Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk.”
●Junichi Mishiba (FoE Japan)
“Tropical Plywood Imports and Distribution in Japan”
●Mutai Hashimoto (WWF Japan) “The State of Production Forests in Indonesia and Responsible Purchasing Behaviour by Japanese Timber Related Industries”
●Tohru Kimura, Hiroki Yokota (TOYO MATERIA, Japan) and Akihiro Soma (JUTEC, Japan)
“Our Effort and Instance for FSC plywood business”