The Program of Int. Seminar ”Current Status and Challenges of Sustainable Forest Management in Borneo: Views from governments, private sectors, NGOs, and local communities”
”Current Status and Challenges of Sustainable Forest Management in Borneo: Views from governments, private sectors, NGOs, and local communities”
【Date】Dec. 9(Mon.)-10(Tue.)
Dec.9(Mon.) 13:00~17:00 (Registration start 13:00)
Dec.10(Tue.) 9:00~17:00 (Registration start 9:00)
【Venue】Inamori Foundation Memorial Building 3F, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University(CSEAS)
Please contact us ( participate in the get-togethers..
※On the second day (10th), luncheon will be served to the presenters and to those who would like to attend (800 yen per person)
Those who would like to attend the luncheon should contact us ( Dec.2(Mon).
【Venue info】Inamori Foundation Memorial Building 3F, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University(CSEAS)
【Programs】for further information please referhere.
Dec. 9 (Mon.)
13:30 Welcome and Opening Address
●Hiromu Shimizu, Director of CSEAS, Kyoto University
●Hiromitsu Samejima, CSEAS, Kyoto University
14:00 Borneo Overview: Forest and Society
●Hiromitu Samejima, “Biodiversity of Tropical Rainforest in Borneo”
●Ryoji Soda, “The Trends in Forest Development and Adaptability of Indigenous Communities in Sarawak, Malaysia”
15:00 Coffee Break
15:15 Current Status and Issues of SFM in Borneo I
●Yuyun Kurniawan, “Status of Forested Areas and Its Management Practices including REDD+ in the Upper Mahakam, East Kalimantan”
●Reuben Nilus, “The Current State of Forest Resource Management in Sabah”
●Jason Hon, “State of Forestry and SFM in Sarawak – Sharing of Experience”
16:45 End of Session
Dec. 10(Tue)
9:30 Current Status and Issues of SFM in Borneo II
●Sofyan P. Warsito, “Periodic Inventory (IHMB): Its Role on Forest Sustainability Monitoring and Forest Management Planning”
●Rizki Pandu Permana, “Large-scale Forest Certification in Borneo: Challenges and Opportunities”
10:30 Cofee Break
10:45 New Approaches and Perspectives of SFM
●Mamoru Kanzaki, “Integrated Forested Area Management beyond the Sustainable Forest Management”
●Kanehiro Kitayama, “”Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Management of Bornean Production Forests
●Soeyitno Soedirman, “Collaborative-Partnership Approach in SFM : Lesson Learned in East Kalimantan Province”
12:15 Lunch Break
13:30 Marketing of Certified Timbers from Borneo to Japan I
●Ferry Kadi, “A Trend of FSC Products Order To PT. Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk.”
●Junichi Mishiba, “Tropical Plywood Imports and Distribution in Japan”
●Mutai Hashimoto, “The State of Production Forests in Indonesia and Responsible Purchasing Behaviour by Japanese Timber Related Industries”
15:00 Coffee Break
15:20 Marketing of Certified Timbers from Borneo to Japan II
●Tohru Kimura, Hiroki Yokota, Akihiro Soma, “Our Effort and Instance for FSC Plywood Business”
16:00 Discussion
17:00 End of Seminar
【Sponsor】Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University(CSEAS)
Pre-registration is not necessary to participate in this seminar.
However, to those who wish to join get-together or/and luncheon meeting, should contact us by Dec.2 (Mon).
【Secretariat】 鮫島弘光 Hiromitsu Samejima (CSEAS, Kyoto University) 森下明子 Akiko Morishita (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Dec.10(Tue.) 9:00~17:00 (Registration start 9:00)
【Venue】Inamori Foundation Memorial Building 3F, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University(CSEAS)
Please contact us ( participate in the get-togethers..
※On the second day (10th), luncheon will be served to the presenters and to those who would like to attend (800 yen per person)
Those who would like to attend the luncheon should contact us ( Dec.2(Mon).
【Venue info】Inamori Foundation Memorial Building 3F, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University(CSEAS)
【Programs】for further information please referhere.
Dec. 9 (Mon.)
13:30 Welcome and Opening Address
●Hiromu Shimizu, Director of CSEAS, Kyoto University
●Hiromitsu Samejima, CSEAS, Kyoto University
14:00 Borneo Overview: Forest and Society
●Hiromitu Samejima, “Biodiversity of Tropical Rainforest in Borneo”
●Ryoji Soda, “The Trends in Forest Development and Adaptability of Indigenous Communities in Sarawak, Malaysia”
15:00 Coffee Break
15:15 Current Status and Issues of SFM in Borneo I
●Yuyun Kurniawan, “Status of Forested Areas and Its Management Practices including REDD+ in the Upper Mahakam, East Kalimantan”
●Reuben Nilus, “The Current State of Forest Resource Management in Sabah”
●Jason Hon, “State of Forestry and SFM in Sarawak – Sharing of Experience”
16:45 End of Session
Dec. 10(Tue)
9:30 Current Status and Issues of SFM in Borneo II
●Sofyan P. Warsito, “Periodic Inventory (IHMB): Its Role on Forest Sustainability Monitoring and Forest Management Planning”
●Rizki Pandu Permana, “Large-scale Forest Certification in Borneo: Challenges and Opportunities”
10:30 Cofee Break
10:45 New Approaches and Perspectives of SFM
●Mamoru Kanzaki, “Integrated Forested Area Management beyond the Sustainable Forest Management”
●Kanehiro Kitayama, “”Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Management of Bornean Production Forests
●Soeyitno Soedirman, “Collaborative-Partnership Approach in SFM : Lesson Learned in East Kalimantan Province”
12:15 Lunch Break
13:30 Marketing of Certified Timbers from Borneo to Japan I
●Ferry Kadi, “A Trend of FSC Products Order To PT. Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk.”
●Junichi Mishiba, “Tropical Plywood Imports and Distribution in Japan”
●Mutai Hashimoto, “The State of Production Forests in Indonesia and Responsible Purchasing Behaviour by Japanese Timber Related Industries”
15:00 Coffee Break
15:20 Marketing of Certified Timbers from Borneo to Japan II
●Tohru Kimura, Hiroki Yokota, Akihiro Soma, “Our Effort and Instance for FSC Plywood Business”
16:00 Discussion
17:00 End of Seminar
【Sponsor】Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University(CSEAS)
Pre-registration is not necessary to participate in this seminar.
However, to those who wish to join get-together or/and luncheon meeting, should contact us by Dec.2 (Mon).
【Secretariat】 鮫島弘光 Hiromitsu Samejima (CSEAS, Kyoto University) 森下明子 Akiko Morishita (CSEAS, Kyoto University)