General flowering and fruiting in Kemena and Tatau River areas [Hiromitsu Samejima]

General flowering and fruiting in Kemena and Tatau River areas Hiromitsu Samejima (CSEAS, Kyoto University)  Most lowland and hill areas of Borneo are covered by Mixed Dipterocarp Forest (MDF), in which large Dipterocarpaceae trees (ex. Shorea, Dipterocarpus and Dryobalanops spp.) dominate the canopy layer. In these forests, trees don’t flower and fruit every year. Once every one to five years, various taxa of trees synchronously blossom and fructify. These phenomena are called “general flowering” and “general fruiting” (Sakai et al., 1999). During the period of general flowering, a swarm of giant honey bees (Apis dorsta) appears, followed by a pack of wild boars in the time of general fruiting. Both […]
