{"id":17088,"global_id":"www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/en?id=17088","global_id_lineage":["www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/en?id=17088"],"author":"1","status":"publish","date":"2013-12-10 16:21:07","date_utc":"2013-12-10 07:21:07","modified":"2014-12-11 15:29:09","modified_utc":"2014-12-11 06:29:09","url":"http:\/\/www-archive.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/www\/2016\/en\/event\/cseas-colloquium-dec-20\/","rest_url":"http:\/\/www-archive.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/www\/2016\/en\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/17088","title":"CSEAS Colloquium, Dec 20: Agriculture Policy and Food insecurity in Nepal","description":"

This is an announcement to invite you to the CSEAS Colloquium for December 2013.
\nDate & Time:<\/strong> 20 December (Fri) 2013: 16:00~<\/p>\n

Place:<\/strong> Middle-sized Meeting Room (No. 332), 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University<\/p>\n

Speaker: <\/strong>Dr. Pokhrel Chandra Prasad, Visiting Research Fellow at CSEAS, Kyoto University<\/p>\n

Title:<\/strong> Agriculture Policy and Food insecurity in Nepal<\/p>\n


Nepal is a landlocked country situated in between China and India, located in 26o22\u2019 and 30o27\u2019 N latitudes and 80o40\u2019 and 88o12\u2019E longitudes and expanded in 147,181 square kilometer area covering diversified topographical and physiographical regions of altitudinal differences. It has diverse agricultural potential, ranging from alpine to tropical climatic conditions within a span of 200 kilometers distance from north to south and about 800 kilometers distance in east west direction.
\n Agriculture sector, contributing to more than one third of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employing two-thirds of the country’s labor force is centered to the livelihood of every Nepalese people. This sector is pivotal to increase income, food security, alleviate poverty and uplift the living standard of the Nepalese people. Agriculture development in Nepal started in 1937 with establishment of agriculture council. Country started its development activities in planned manner only after 1956, ever since the process of planning and development is continuing and several steps were taken for the development of agriculture sector in the country. Since then Nepal has passed through twelve national development plans and thirteen-plan is currently under way. Realizing the importance of agriculture sector to the national economy, almost every plan has given top priorities to this sector from the very beginning. In spite of high priorities given to the agriculture development this sector has not performed with the desire speed. During the last thirty years country has been changed from net exporter to a net importer of food grains. Therefore, country has been facing the food insecurity problem and the problem is mounting day by day. The total number of food insecurity people across Nepal is estimated to be 3.37 million. At present, out of 75 districts 38 districts are suffering from food deficit. Changing political situations in the different time periods and political ill practices as well as lack of proper implementation of proposed policies and plans are the major causes of low productivity of agriculture and food insecurity.<\/p>\n


Pokhrel Chandra Prasad is Lecturer at Central Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. He is also a Assistant-Coordinator of M.Sc. Biodiversity and Environmental Management (MSc. BEM) program. M.Sc. BEM program is run by Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University with collaboration of Bergen University, Bergen, Norwey. Kunming Institute of Botany, China, Jawaharlal Neheru University, India and Kumaun University, India are regional partners of the program. Currently He is a Visiting Research Scholar at CSEAS, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. He has started his carrier at Tri-Chandra college, TU, Kathmandu, Nepal from 1995. He was also served as a researcher at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (2003-2004) and completed his PhD in Agriculture Science in 2007. He did his M.Sc. in Botany and M.A. in Anthropology. He has published more than two dozen research articles in journal of repute. His current research interest is Agriculture conservation (tools, techniques and environment), livelihood, food security; agro-forestry and homestead \/ home garden biodiversity including rural and eco-tourism.<\/p>\n
