{"id":17678,"global_id":"www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/en?id=17678","global_id_lineage":["www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/en?id=17678"],"author":"1","status":"publish","date":"2014-02-24 18:53:00","date_utc":"2014-02-24 09:53:00","modified":"2014-03-27 15:25:24","modified_utc":"2014-03-27 06:25:24","url":"http:\/\/www-archive.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/www\/2016\/en\/event\/tsuchiya20140405\/","rest_url":"http:\/\/www-archive.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/www\/2016\/en\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/17678","title":"New Landscapes of Southeast Asia: Commemorating the Late Professor Tsuchiya Kenji on April 5","description":"


We are pleased to announce the following event. All are welcome.<\/p>\n

This event will be conducted in Japanese. Films will be screened in Indonesian. “BIMA Satria Garuda.” will be screened with Japanese subtitles. “Denok & Gareng” will be screened with English Subtitles.<\/strong><\/font><\/p>\n

Date & Time\uff1a<\/strong>April 5, 2014 AM10:00PM-05:30
\nVenue\uff1a<\/strong>Large & Middle Meeting Room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
\nAdmission Free<\/strong><\/p>\n

Organizer\uff1a<\/strong>Committee for the Commemoration of the Late Professor Tsuchiya Kenji
\nCenter for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University;
\nGraduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University;
\nPersatuan Pelajar Indonesia-Jepang, Komisariat Kyoto&Shiga<\/p>\n

In Cooperation with\uff1a<\/strong>
\nJapan Foundation, Jakarta;
\nPT Itochu Indonesia<\/p>\n



\nProgram Overview<\/a><\/p>\n


\n\u201cNew Landscapes of Southeast Asia\u201d is an event that combines several activities to bring together everyone who is interested on Southeast Asia. The event consists of three spaces: Film, Academic, and Fete.
\nIn the “Film” space, there will be a screening two films from Indonesia. The first is an independent documentary, \u201cDenok and Gareng\u201d, that was screened earlier at the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2013. The second is a SFX TV program from Indonesia.
\nIn the \u201cAcademic\u201d space, there will be a seminar entitled \u201cNew Landscapes of Southeast Asian Studies\u201d. Three promising young scholars will discuss new types of community social ties and consumption style in Southeast Asia. The seminar will be conducted in Japanese.
\nIn the \u201cFete\u201d space, there will be food stalls that offer typical Southeast Asian food, elegant Javanese dance performances and a photo exhibition, \u201cNew Landscapes of Southeast Asia\u201d.
\nThis event is to commemorate the late Professor Tsuchiya Kenji of Center for Southeast Asia, Kyoto University. <\/p>\n
