{"id":26195,"global_id":"www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/en?id=26195","global_id_lineage":["www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/en?id=26195"],"author":"7","status":"publish","date":"2016-02-26 16:43:02","date_utc":"2016-02-26 07:43:02","modified":"2016-03-28 14:05:43","modified_utc":"2016-03-28 05:05:43","url":"http:\/\/www-archive.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/www\/2016\/en\/event\/20160319-20-en-2\/","rest_url":"http:\/\/www-archive.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp\/www\/2016\/en\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/26195","title":"Korea-Japan-Southeast Asian Seminar: Networking Southeast Asia, Korea and Japan: Facing Urgent and Fundamental Issues","description":"
Date<\/strong>: March 19-20, 2016 <\/p>\n Program<\/strong>: <\/p>\n 09.00-09.30<\/p>\n<\/td>\n Opening: Kono Yasuyuki (CSEAS, Kyoto University) Panel 1<\/strong>: Care and Intergenerational relations within Transnational Families in\/across East and Southeast Asia \u3000\u30002.\tBecoming Multicultural at the Edge of Global Care Chain: Sibling Caretaking by Korean Adolescents with Asian \u2018Cross-border Marriage Migrant\u2019 Stepmothers \u3000\u30004.\tDisplaying Resilience and Interdependence in Transnational Family Settings: Japanese Women in Southeast Asia-Japanese marriage Panel 2<\/strong>: Changes in Southeast Asian Societies \u3000\u30002.\tBrewing “Sustainable Coffee Network” in Asia: New Geographical Imaginations Connecting Southeast Asian Producers to East Asian Consumers \u3000\u30003.\tParty of Candidate? Electoral Reforms in East Asia and Indonesia \u3000\u30004.\tThe Social Economic Conditions of the Korean Factory Managers in Vietnam and their Transnational Lives Panel 3<\/strong>:\u00a0 Political Assassination in Southeast Asia \u3000\u30002.\tFrom Marginalization to Elimination: the Lumad of Mindanao, Philippines \u3000\u30003.\tWhy does Indonesia Kill Us? : A Cartography of Political Assassination in Papua \u3000\u30004.\tAssassination in Thai Local Politics: A Decade of Decentralization (2000-2009) and Case studies of Phrae province Panel 4<\/strong>: The Impact of Globalization in Creating Sectarianism and Exclusion \u00a0 of Religious Minorities Panel 5<\/strong>: Comfort Women and Post-War Compensation \u3000\u3000 Discussant<\/strong>: Matsuno Akihisa (Osaka University)<\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n Panel 6<\/strong>: Industrial Relations in Indonesia <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n \nA report of one of the panels of the seminar, written by Dr. Arnold Alamon, is published in the newspaper. <\/p>\n
\nVenue<\/strong>: Inamori Memorial Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan<\/p>\nDay1 March 19 (Saturday)<\/h4>\n
\n \n \n
\n \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Introduction of RIHN-CSEAS Collaboration Project: Toward the
\n Regeneration of Tropical Peatland Societies: Building International
\n Research Network on Integrated Peatland Management<\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n 09.30-11.30<\/td>\n \n
\n Conveners<\/strong>: Kim Jeehun (Inha University) and Hayami Yoko (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
\n Speakers<\/strong>:
\n\u3000\u30001.\tRegulating Immigrant Motherhood in a Time of Fertility Crisis and Intensive Parenthood: The Case of Taiwan
\nLan Pei-Chia (National Taiwan University)<\/p>\n
\nKim Jeehun (Inha University)
\n\u3000\u30003.\tChildren Living with \u201cGlobal Care Chain\u201d: Family Separation and Reunification of Filipino Young Immigrants in Italy
\nNagasaka Itaru (Hiroshima University)<\/p>\n
\nThang Leng Leng (National University of Singapore) and Mika Toyota (Rikkyo University) <\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n 11.30-13.00<\/td>\n Lunch<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n \n 13.00-15.00<\/td>\n \n
\n Moderator<\/strong>: Michael Pante (Ateneo de Manila University)
\n Speakers<\/strong>:
\n\u3000\u30001.\tMajor Countries’ Strategic Approaches on the Mekong River Basin and Korea’s Standpoint
\nLee Yohan (Seoul National University)<\/p>\n
\nKim Eje (Gyeongin National University of Education)<\/p>\n
\nShin Jae Hyeok (Korea University)<\/p>\n
\nChae Suhong (Seoul National University) <\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n 15.00-15.15<\/td>\n Coffee break<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n \n 15.15-17.15<\/td>\n \n
\n Convener<\/strong>: Jafar Suryomenggolo (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
\n Speakers<\/strong>: \u3000
\n\u3000\u30001.\tKilling for What? Community Leaders as Target in International Development Projects in the Philippines
\nJung Bub Mo (Seoul National University) <\/p>\n
\nArnold P. Alamon (Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology)<\/p>\n
\nBudi Hernawan (Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy)<\/p>\n
\nNuttakorn Vititanon (Mae Fah Luang University)\n<\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\nDay2 March 20 (Sunday)<\/h4>\n
\n 09.30-11.30<\/td>\n \n
\n Convener<\/strong>: Ahmad Najib Burhani (LIPI\/ CSEAS, Kyoto University)
\n Speakers<\/strong>:
\n \u3000\u30001. Islam, Democracy and the Creation of a Muslim majority in a Globalizing Southeast Asia
\nNoorhaidi Hasan (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta)
\n \u3000\u30002.\tThe Struggles of Muhammadiyah to Protect Religious Minorities and to Create Peace in Indonesia
\nAbdul Mu’ti (UIN Jakarta)
\n \u3000\u30003.\tCosmopolitan Muslim Intellectuals and the Problems of Sectarianism in Southeast Asia
\nSyed Muhammad Kahirudin Aljunied (National University of Singapore)
\n\t\u3000\u3000Discussant<\/strong>: Nakamura Mitsuo (Chiba University) <\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n 11.30-13.00<\/td>\n Lunch<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n \n 13.00-15.00<\/td>\n \n
\n Moderator<\/strong>: Mizuno Kosuke (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
\n Speakers<\/strong>:
\n \u3000\u30001.\tThe Mobilization of the Japanese Military Sex Slaves seen through the List of Koreans in Palembang, Indonesia
\nJeong Sook Kang (Sungkyunkwan University)
\n \u3000\u3000 2.\tSexual slavery under the Japanese military regime and New Order regime (tentative)
\nAnna Mariana (Etnohistori\/ Sajogyo Institute)
\n \u3000\u3000 3.\t\u2018Police Actions\u2019 or Colonial War? Shifting Attitudes of the Dutch society toward the Military Operations in Indonesia, 1946-1949
\nYoshida Makoto (Fukuoka Women’s University)
\n \u3000\u3000 4.\tTestimony of Survivors of Sexual Violence by Japanese Military in South
\n Sulawesi, Indonesia: A Case study Analysis using Video Interview
\nSuzuki Takashi (Momoyama Gakuin University) <\/p>\n\n 15.00-15.15<\/td>\n Coffee break<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n \n 15.15-17.15<\/td>\n \n
\n Moderator<\/strong>: Jeon Je Seong\u00a0 (Chonbuk National University)
\n Speakers<\/strong>:
\n \u3000\u30001.\tIn Search of the Right Balance: Indonesian Labour Reform Today
\nSurya Tjandra (Atma Jaya Catholic University)
\n \u3000\u3000 2.\tMinimum wage in Indonesia (tentative)
\nAryana Satrya (Universitas Indonesia)
\n \u3000\u3000 3.\t“Grebek Pabrik” in Bekasi: A Union Mobilization Strategy
\nAbu Mufakhir (Sedane Labor Institute)
\n \u3000\u3000 4.\tA Japanese Company in the Wave of Militant Labor Offensive, Grebek, in 2014 in Indonesia: Out-sourcing, the Right of Strike and the Industrial Dispute Settlement System
\nMizuno Kosuke (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
\n \u3000\u3000 5.\tPartnership at Work: The case of Indonesia
\nSutanto Suwarno (Indonesian Industrial Relations Association) <\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n\n 17.15-17.30<\/td>\n Closing<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\n
\nPlease see it here: