IKEDA, Mizuho
mizuho-ikeda cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Personal site https://maritimeasiaheritage.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Research Departments・Position
Cross-regional Studies・Program-Specific Researcher
Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Heritage Studies
Research Interests / Keywords
・Southeast Asian Archaeology
・Cultural Heritage Management
・Archaeology and Education
・Community Participatory Approach to Development
Mizuho Ikeda is currently a Heritage Documentation Manager of the Maritime Asia Heritage Survey at the Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies. She was formerly an adjunct researcher at the Institute for Cultural Heritage at the Comprehensive Research Organization of Waseda University (Tokyo). She received her PhD from the Department of Anthropology at Waseda University in 2018. Her research interests focus on how past objects has been transmitted, interpreted, and reused by present-day communities in Southeast Asia. She also spent two years as a member of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and in doing so gained valuable experience in community participatory in cultural heritage management in El Salvador, Central America. |