International Symposium: “The Challenge of Tropical Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development at Landscape to Regional Levels”

Date:Saturday, 10 February, 2018 13:00-18:00
Venue:Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture Building W-406
It is open to anyone interested free of charge. If you are interested in
attending a dinner-reception afterwards, please e-mail the organizer and
moderator, Kaoru Kitajima (kaoruk[at]
Organized by:Kyoto University (including Graduate School of Agriculture, Global Survivability Studies, ASEAN Research Platform, Center for South East Asian Studies, Tropical Forest Research Unit)
Language: English
Tropical forest ecosystems are widely recognized for their high
biological diversity and value as the source various natural resources.
Yet, they are rapidly lost, fragmented, and degraded due to land use
changes and non-sustainable resource extractions. The global awareness of
this issue has lead to increasing awareness of the importance of
sustainable development strategies at the landscape level. How can basic
knowledge on biological diversity and ecosystem functions of natural
forests, including secondary forests, contribute to conservation at
landscape to regional levels? This is a major challenge that we like to
explore through the presentation by eight speakers who are actively engaged
in international research frontiers and general discussion during this
half-day symposium.
Speakers and topics:
Mamoru Kanzaki (Kyoto University-Graduate School of Agriculture)
“Welcome and Kyoto University’s tropical forest research network (KUTREE) ”
Lourens Poorter (Wageningen University)
“Functional diversity of tropical forests”
Tetsukazu Yahara (Kyushu University)
“APBON: patterns of local and regional tree species diversity in Asia”
I Fang Sun (National Donghwa University; Taiwan and visiting professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture)
“Forest dynamic plot networks”
Yuyun Chen (National Donghwa University)
“Long-term monitoring to inform modeling”
Kanehiro Kitayama (Kyoto University-Graduate School of Agriculture)
“Is sustanable forestry sustainable?”
Sukumar Raman (Indian Institute of Science and Visiting professor, Kyoto University Centre for Advanced Study)
“The resilience of a tropical dry forest”
Hirokazu Yasuoka (Kyoto University-Graduate School of Asian and African Studies)
“Forest resources management in collaboration between ecologists and local people in southeastern Cameroon”
Noboru Ishikawa (Kyoto University-Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
“Anthropogenic tropical forets: human-nature interfaces on the plantation frontier”