The 5th Transdisciplinary (TD) Brown Bag Series

Date & Time : Dec.7 (Fri.) 12:15~13:00
Venue : Tonan-tei, 2nd floor of the Inamori Foundation Building
Language : English
Speakers : SATO Takahiro (Hirosaki University), LOPEZ, Mario Ivan (CSEAS)
Title : Humanosphere Potentiality Index: Appraising Existing Indicators from a Long-term Perspective
Keywords: biosphere, environmental sustainability, geosphere, humanosphere, Humanosphere Potentiality Index, human society
MC: MIENO Fumiharu (CSEAS)
This talk offers an overview of the Humanosphere Potentiality Index (HPI), developed to address
current global potentiality from a long-term perspective. The HPI presents a different way to envision the current condition of the world, one that is compatible with a strong sustainability paradigm approach and demonstrates the significance of tropical countries for global sustainability. A comparison between HPI and the Human Development Index (HDI) reveals a dominant developmental paradigm that justifies the HDI perspective, and comparisons between HPI and four popular environmental indicators provide insights into how human society should engage with the natural environment. This talk argues that the worldview from HPI presents a perspective that asks us to pay more attention not only to development but also to global potentiality from a long-term perspective.