The 11th Japan-ASEAN Seminar “Into a New Epoch: Capitalist Nature in the Plantationocene”

The 11th Japan-ASEAN Seminar “Into a New Epoch: Capitalist Nature in the Plantationocene”
Anna Tsing (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Jun Akamine (Hitotsubashi University)
Noboru Ishikawa (CSEAS)
Date & Time: October 25 (Fri.), 2019 13:30 – 17:00 (after the seminar, we’ll have a reception)
Venue: Middle-sized Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building
Language: English
Program: Please see below for more information
This seminar presents yet another geological epoch, which we term the Plantationocene. While the idea of the Anthropocene has gained considerable currency in recent years, we instead use this concept of Plantationocene to offer fresh perspectives that go beyond conventional, human-centric understandings of nature as well as the human/nature dichotomy through case studies of multispecies in plantation systems. Through this approach, we aim to bridge a deep divide between the natural sciences and social sciences, combine ethnographic and data-driven methodologies, and present an empirically grounded and historically informed study of human, non-human and their environments.
The seminar will be followed by the book launch of the following two new books:
– Japanese translation of The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins by Anna L. Tsing, Princeton U.P, 2015. Translated by Jun Akamine, published by Misuzu Shobo, Japan, 2019.
– Ishikawa, Noboru & Ryoji Soda (eds.), Anthropogenic Tropical Forests: Human-Nature Interfaces on the Plantation Frontier: Springer Nature, 2019.
Moderator: Julie Ann Delos Reyes (CSEAS)
Opening Remarks
Noboru Ishikawa (CSEAS)
Plantationocene: Life in Past and Coming Ruins
Anna Tsing (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Anthropogenic Tropical Forests: Human-Nature Interfaces on the Plantation Frontier
Noboru Ishikawa (CSEAS)
14:40 – 14:50 Tea Break
Whale and Orangutan: A Possible Link between Whale Oil and Palm Oil
Jun Akamine (Hitotsubashi University)
General Discussion
Moderator: Miles Kenney-Lazar (NUS)
Book Launch
17:00 – 18:00 Reception