A Workshop
Venue: Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies
20-22 February 2020
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) at Kyoto University is pleased to announce a workshop on academic writing for international publication in English-language journals.
CSEAS invites applications from late-stage doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers and junior faculty doing research on Southeast Asian topics in disciplines within the social sciences and humanities, including but not restricted to Area Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology. Application forms are available on the website <> Inquiry should be directed to
Applications for participation in the workshop should be submitted by Friday, December 25, 2019, and successful applicants will be notified shortly. Participants are expected to submit a draft article (4,000 to 7,000 words) to be discussed during the workshop, and these papers will be due by 15 January 2020.
Aims of the Workshop
• What editors look for when reviewing submissions;
• The evaluation process and responding to referees’ reports;
• The underlying dynamics of argumentation in a research article;
• Developing clear and effective presentations;
• Linguistic conventions for conveying ideas accurately, clearly and appropriately;
• Strategies for planning and revising a manuscript;
• The ethics of scholarly communication.
Structure of the workshop
• On the first day, the workshop mentors present lectures and run small group sessions where participants will present and discuss their papers.
• The second day will be devoted to interactive sessions covering titles, abstracts and Introductions, research ethics, submissions procedures, and how to deal with editors.
• The final phase of the workshop will be individual consultations. In these sessions the workshop mentors will highlight strengths and weaknesses of the participants’ papers and discuss changes that might improve the paper’s chances of publication, building on points made during the presentations. Individual sessions will take place 22 February.
Sponsored by
Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
CIRAS Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
Janan-ASEAN Platform for Transdisciplinary Studies, CSEAS, Kyoto University
Each participant will attend lectures, small group sessions, interactive sessions, and an individual consultation.
Day 1 Thursday, 20 February 2020
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-10:45 Introductory Session
10:45-12:00 Lecture 1: What Editors Look For, and Mistakes Writers Make
12:00-12:45 LUNCH
12:45-14:00 Lecture 2: Revision Strategies for Research Paper Introductions
14:00-14:30 Q&A
14:30-15:45 Small Group Sessions Round 1
15:45-17:00 Small Group Sessions Round 2
Day 2 Friday 21 February 2020
Note: During Individual Consultations on Day 2, participants will have free time to prepare for the Interactive Sessions on Day 3.
9:00-10:15 Lecture 3: Salient Features and Conventions of Academic English
10:15-11:15 Individual Consultations Session 1
11:15-12:15 Individual Consultations Session 2
12:15-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-14:15 Lecture 4: Trends in Academic Publishing
14:15-15:15 Grammar Review/ A conversation about Open Access
15:15-16:15 Individual Consultations Session 3
16:15-17:15 Individual Consultations Session 4
Day 3 Saturday 22 February 2020
9:00-10:15 Interactive Session: Critiques and Presentations
10:15-10:45 Selecting a journal and dealing with referees’ reports
10:45-11:15 The Ethics of Scholarly Communication
11:15-12:00 Open Discussion and Closing Ceremony
12:00-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-14:00 Individual Consultations Session 5
14:00-15:00 Individual Consultations Session 6
15:00-16:00 Individual Consultations Session 7
16:00-17:00 Individual Consultations Session 8
Workshop Mentors
The mentors for these sessions have conducted writing and publishing workshops in East and Southeast Asia sponsored by the US Social Science Research Council’s Global Scholars Initiative, the American Institute for Indonesian Studies, the Kyoto University Research Administration, and the Southeast Asian Regional Exchange Program.
Paul H Kratoska was formerly Director of NUS Press at the National University of Singapore, and currently edits The Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. He served on the Board of Directors of the US Association for Asian Studies from 2003-2005 and is past editor of the Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. He taught at the Ateneo de Manila (1975-77), Universiti Sains Malaysia (1977-87) and the National University of Singapore (1987-2005). His research focuses on Southeast Asia and he has published books and articles on the Japanese Occupation, the history of rice cultivation, ethnic minorities, school textbooks, and academic publishing. He was a contributor to the Cambridge History of South-East Asia, the Cambridge History of World War II, and the Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian History, and serves on advisory boards of the International Journal of Asian Studies (University of Tokyo), Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS, Kyoto University), TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia (Sogang University), and The Journal of History (Philippine Historical Society).
Susan Lopez Nerney is a former lecturer with the Centre for English Language Communication at the National University of Singapore, where she taught courses on writing for academic purposes and research, technical/workplace communication, English as a second language, and English grammar. She was previously an editor with the publications unit of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore and has done freelance book editing. She co-authored Writing in Process: Strategies for Organization and Development (Pearson Prentice Hall) and has written several articles on teaching academic writing. She has served as a mentor for writing workshops in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.
Paul Nerney is a former senior lecturer with the Centre for English Language Communication at the National University of Singapore, where he developed and taught courses on English, communication skills and academic writing. He also developed and coordinated Writing and Critical Thinking modules for the University Scholars Programme’s and writing modules (Ideas and Exposition 1 and 2) for the NUS University Town Colleges. His publications include articles on writing as a process, and he has served as a mentor for writing workshops in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.