Seminar : “Invitation for Dr. Pascal Bourdeaux’s lecture”

We have planned to have a lecture by Dr. Pascal Bourdeaux,
You are cordially invited to his lecture, which will be held on 24th July (Monday), The event is open to everyone.

Date: 24 July (Monday). 2017 14:30-17:00
Venue: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies,
Large Meeting Room(AA447), 4F, Research Building No.2, Yoshida main campus, Kyoto University

14:30-14:35 Introduction

“Overview on the History of Protestantism in Vietnam and Mainland Southeast Asia. From colonial establishment to postcolonial dissemination” by Dr. Pascal Bourdeaux
(École Pratique des Hautes Études, France)

Discussant: Assoc. prof. KATAOKA Tatsuki(Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)


Open Discussion

Introduction about École Pratique des Hautes Études


During these last years, mass media regularly presents the extreme vitality of a Christianity that desires to convert all over the world, included most of the Southeast Asian societies. Evangelical Protestantism currently challenges religious policies and the academic world that tries to analyze this phenomenon in accordance with contemporary mutations of the Nation-States and as an effect of the globalization, seen especially in its economic and cultural aspects. In the case of Vietnam but also with its neighbors, researchers turn one’s deep attention to ethnicity issues, to multiethnic situations that explain the expansion of communities and local churches and sometimes orientate our understandings.
In order to throw light on the regional religious context, this lecture aims to historically rethink the current dynamic of Protestantism in Vietnam and mainland southeast Asia. To do so, we consider the diverse roots of this minority religion then analyze how Evangelical churches disseminated from the 20th century until now.

Contact: ITO Masako (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
E-mail: itomasak[at]