CIRAS Eurasian Seminar: Post-Karimov Foreign Policy in Uzbekistan (Prof. B. Islamov)

Date: Oct.15 (Mon.), 2018  16 :00-18 :00
Venue: Room 213, 2nd Floor, Inamori Center (Inamori Zaidan Kinenkan), Kyoto University

Lecture: “Post-Karimov Foreign Policy in Uzbekistan”
Ambassador, Prof. Bakhtiyor ISLAMOV
(Professor, Brunch of the Russian Economic University after G.V. Plekhanov in Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Visiting professor, CNEAS, Tohoku University)

This presentation includes the topics of: 1) Breakthrough in bilateral relations of Uzbekistan with neighboring states (Qazaqstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan); 2) New steps in regional cooperation (political, economic, and environmental aspects, including Aral Sea Disaster); 3) Activization of Relations of Uzbekistan with North East Asian States (Russia, China, Japan, Republic of Korea); 4) Prospects for the New Silk Road Initiative.
