Sakura Science Exchange Program: Providing Technical Support for Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure for Librarians in Cambodia

Date: 9-15 June, 2019
Venue: CSEAS Library and Main Library at Kyoto University
National Diet Library at Kansai Branch, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Theme: Providing Technical Support for Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure for Librarians in Cambodia

Sakura Science Exchange Program »


[the 1st day] 9 June, 2019
Attended to the lecture by Dr Ono Mikiko on the infrastructures of academic information in Japan and Southeast Asia. Had a study tour on the construction of digital archives and the release of OPAC collection for Southeast Asian multi-linguistic sources.

[the 2nd day] 10 June, 2019
Morning: Attended to the lecture by Prof. Koga Takashi (Tenri University) on Japanese academic information network (NII, NACSIS-CAT, cooperative cataloging, MARC, etc.)

Afternoon: Study tour on “Kurenai,” the repositiry of academic institution for Kyoto University, and “Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive”.

[the 3rd day] 11 June, 2019
Morning: Study tour on the multi-language automatic translation system (including the Khmer langauge) at NICT

Afternoon: Visited library facilities (reading, stack, automatic-stack rooms), cataloged materials written in Asian languages, and attended to the lecture on creating and providing bibliographical data for the materials written in Asian languages at the National Diet Library, Kansai Branch.

[the 4th day] 12 June, 2019
Morning: Study tour on iliswav_j, the database of Kyoto University library

Afternoon: Attended to the lecture by Prof. Hara Shoichiro (Kyoto University) on constructing databases and information infrastructures for area studies

[the 5th day] 13 June, 2019
Attended to the lecture by Mr. Kojima Hiroyuki, Division of Economics, Graduate School of Tokyo University, on reparing and storage of valuable materials

[the 6th day] 14 June, 2019
Morning: Attended to the lecture by Assit. Prof. Kimiya Kitani (Kyoto University) on “constructing scheme of database for the periodicals in Southeast Asia.” Study tour on the construction of Web Front database

Afternoon: Study tour on the construction of digital archives and the release of OPAC collection for Southeast Asian multi-linguistic sources.