FUJITA, Motoko

fujita cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Departments・Position

Global Humanosphere・Affiliated Researcher


Research Interests / Keywords

・Bird diversity in Acacia plantation and Selectively logged forest
・Landscape ecological study on sustainable management of Swiftlet in South-east Asia
・Transport of Phosphorus by birds in tropical montane forest


Bird diversity in Acacia plantation and Selectively logged forest

This project aims to establish basic methods to monitor and assess bird diversity in human-modified landscape such as large-scale plantations and selective logging forest. The main research field is located in Indonesia and Malaysia, and I have for sites; South Sumatra, Riau, Central Kalimantan, and Sabah. I set IC recorders in the field for several months and analyze bird song to evaluate bird species diversity.

Landscape ecological study on sustainable management of Swiftlet in South-east Asia

To utilize swiftlet nests (known as “bird nest”) sustainably, we should know the ecology of birds. Among all, the differences of diet, distances to the feeding ground, surrounding landuse is important factors which directly affect nest production rate. The main research field is Sarawak, Malaysia and Riau, Indonesia.

Transport of Phosphorus by birds in tropical montane forest

Phosphorus is one of the factors that will affect ecosystem production and community. In Mt.Kinabalu, Malaysia, they have phosphorus-poor soil and phosphorus is lost when rain washes the soil surface out. The research theme is to clarify the role of birds to redistribute phosphorus inside forest ecosystem.

Research funds

Type Theme Period
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) Applications of robot audition techniques to multi-scale observations of ecological dynamics in bird vocalizations 2019 – 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) マイクロ波合成開口レーダによる森林構造解析と熱帯の鳥類多様性との連関の検証 2018 – 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 音声による種の識別システムを用いた鳥類モニタリング手法の開発 2016 – 2018