KONO Yasuyuki

kono cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Departments・Position

Environmental Coexistence・Professor


Southeast Asian studies, Agricultural science

Research Interests / Keywords

・Sustainable humanosphere studies
・Dynamics of agriculture and livelihood transition of rural Southeast Asia
・Regional and Local societies and STI for SDGs



Sustainable humanosphere studies

The human society has rapidly developed during the last several decades under the conditions of moderate climate and cheap fossil and fresh water resources. However, the emerging critical issues including global climate changes, degrading natural resources and loss of biodiversity strongly suggest the necessity of societal transformation. This topic explores a new direction of development based on the development process of Southeast Asian societies.

Dynamics of agriculture and livelihood transition of rural Southeast Asia

Rural Southeast Asia is experiencing labor drain to urban areas and agricultural industrialization in terms of management and technology. These movements may lead the collapse of conventional subsistence-based peasant society. Simultaneously, rural community is expected to be the main player of natural resources conservation to cope with the deterioration of natural environment at the regional and global levels. This study focuses on these dynamics of agriculture and rural society of Southeast Asia.

Regional and Local societies and STI for SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the comprehensive aim of global society to achieve society of “leave no-one behind”, and science, technology and innovation is recognized as the main driving force. This topic explores the questions that what are the substantial impacts of setting up the common goals and sharing the tools to achieve them and that what institutions we have to develop to complement the common goals and tools at the global level based on the understanding of diversity of natural environment and historical process of local societies.

Research funds

Type Theme Period
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Agenda setting for sustainable development of Southeast Asian agriculture and rural societ 2017 – 2020
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Construction of an Information Infrastructure to Support Sharing and Utilization of “Knowledge of Areas” 2016 – 2019
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 東南アジア大陸部の被戦争社会の変容とレジリエンス 2015 – 2018
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Exploring Sustainable Humanosphere in Rural Cambodia through Interdisciplinary Research on Changing Connectivity and Livelihoods 2015 – 2017
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research A Meta Study of Inter-disciplinarity in Natural and Social Sciences: Cases from a G-COE Program 2014 – 2016