
Research Departments・Position

Political & Economic Coexistence・Associate Professor


Research Interests / Keywords

・Civil-Military Relations in Myanmar
・Northern Rakahine Crisis and Mechanism of Nation-State Backlash
・Weak States in Southeast Asia


Civil-Military Relations in Myanmar

This project aims to discuss the civil-militar relations in transtional Myanmar since 2011. Myanmar provides us a interesting case to reflect upon the relationships among state, society and military, since the state power is divided and partially shared by the civilian government and the autonomous military in a unique way. This fragile condition of civil-military relations have and will affect the trajectory of political, economic, and social development of the country.

Northern Rakahine Crisis and Mechanism of Nation-State Backlash

This project is an inter-disciplinary joint project to examine the mechanism in which the international pressure for realizing a certain justice can create and expand strong backlush reactions of the government and society, focusing on Northern Rakhine Crisis in Myanmar.

Weak States in Southeast Asia

This project was launched to compare weak states in Southeast Asia to discuss how they have been built and are reacting to the changing domestic, regional and world order today. Critically reviewing the linear model of political development and simple transition paradigm, I pursue a insightful contextual understanding of weak states while avoiding exceptionalism.

Research funds

Type Theme Period
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) The Comparative Anatomy for Political Transition in Southeast Asia: Exploring Interactions between Local Traditions and Globalism 2019 – 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) De-territorialization of International Reime and Nation-State Backlash: A Case of Northern Rakhine Crisis 2019 – 2021
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 民主主義体制における少数派排除のグローバル化―アジア・アフリカの比較研究 2018 – 2021
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) The Historical Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy in Asia 2018 – 2020
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Politics of Accountability in Southeast Asia 2017 – 2019
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research) 体制移行期ミャンマーにおける国軍の組織的利益の研究(国際共同研究強化) 2016 – 2018
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) The Structure and Transformations of One-Party Rule in China: Historical Institutionalism in Chinese Politics 2015 – 2017
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Democratization and Judicialization of Politics in Southeast Asian Countries 2014 – 2016
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) Study on Corporate Interests of Myanmar’s Military in Political Transition 2014 – 2016
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) Comparative and Historical Studies on Emerging States, and Regional and Global Orders 2013 – 2017
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Critical Hurdles to Myanmar’s Opening-up Process 2013 – 2016