NISHI Yoshimi


Research Departments・Position

Cross-regional Studies・Associate Professor


Southeast Asian Studies

Research Interests / Keywords

・Disaster management in multi-lingusitic and multi regional society
・Social integration through information sharing and story telling of disasters


Disaster management in multi-lingusitic and multi regional society

Collect and analyze examples of disaster response practices in Southeast Asia’s multi-lingual and multi-religious society, with the aim of enhancing response to risks that can not be dealt with by disaster response institutionalized respectively by country. By considering the significance of those practices while also keeping in mind the importance of creating a standardized disaster response mechanism that can be shared across regional differences, raising resilience when society responds to various disasters in the modern world be expected.

Social integration through information sharing and story telling of disasters

Today as globalization and democratization progresses, people’s political behavior can not be grasped simply by ideology, class and ethnicity. Under such circumstances, how to grasp the “crack of society” that occurs as a result of differences in thinking within society is an extremely important task to capture the Southeast Asian society. In this research, by using the framework obtained in “Area Studies for Disaster Response”, we pay attention to “re-narratting of disasters” and analyze how social cracks caused by social disaster (war, revolution, political change) appear and how to repair it.

Research funds

Type Theme Period
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 多民族国家マレーシアの社会秩序再編における非正規滞在者の役割 2016 – 2019
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Hybridity and Border-Crossing in Producing and Circulating Films in 20th Century Southeast Asia 2016 – 2019
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Women in post-disaster society in Indonesia 2014 – 2017