
Research Departments・Position

Environmental Coexistence・Affiliated Lecturer


Research Interests / Keywords

Documentation on the endangered “number culture” – from an ethnomathematics point of view


Documentation on the endangered “number culture” – from an ethnomathematics point of view

Due to the rapid evolution of science and techknoldgy, there is all most all of the villages or communities in all over the world have been affected by modern technology even they preserve traditional way of living. That means even the population of the individual speakers of ethnic group are stable, the traditional way of counting on the base of the natural cycle or materials are in danger. This projecgt aims to document the traditional technology of counting by focusing on the ethnic group whose languages have not rich numeral system from ethnomathematics point of view.

Research funds

Type Theme Period
Challenging Research (Exploratory) 消えゆく「数文化」のドキュメンテーション-エスノマセマティックス的視点から 2018 – 2020
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) オーストロネシア語圏の言語多様性と生物多様性 2015 – 2018