
Research Departments・Position

Environmental Coexistence・Affiliated Professor


Research Interests / Keywords

Globalization of indigenous people


Globalization of indigenous people

My reasearch topic is cultural politics amidst grass-roots globalization at an UNESCO World Heritage village of rice-terraces, northern Luzon. Since 1998 I have conducted brief fieldwork alomost every year between a week and a month in Hapao village, Ifugao porvince, which is famous for its UNESCO World Heritage rice terraces. Their basic subsistence is rice terrace cultivation, swidden agriculture, and goverment employmentfor some. 180 villageres, about 10 % of total population have been abroad to 30 countried to work, and 3/4 are female as domestc helpers, care givers, factory workers etc. I analyse the background of outmigration and it impact for the villae.

Research funds

Type Theme Period
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) International Political Nexus of Climate Change and Water Resources: 2019 – 2021
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) Sociocultural mechanisms underlying niche construction based on ethnographic research 2019 – 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 民主主義体制における少数派排除のグローバル化―アジア・アフリカの比較研究 2018 – 2021
Challenging Research (Exploratory) Challenge to Ethnography of My Culture: A Perspective on Post-War Japan from Yokosuka under American Shadow 2017 – 2019
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Anthropology of Respons-ability: Exploring Principle and Method at Field, Home and Education 2016 – 2020