
New Issue of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia 1 September 2017: Cosmic Politics in Thailand — INTRODUCING NEW VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION

1 September 2017


The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University proudly presents the new issue (22) of Kyoto Review (September 2017) which focuses on “Thai Cosmic Politics: Locating Power in a Diverse Kingdom”. We have five articles by Daena Funahashi Andrew Alan Johnson, Anusorn Unno, Giuseppe Bolotta, and Matthew Phillips, with Edoardo Sian, as our Guest Editor for this issue. All articles are translated into Japanese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, and for the first time, VIETNAMESE.

This issue, as usual, also includes a section of book reviews, and a column–Young Academic’s Voice (YAV), as a platform for young researchers to voice their opinion on all things Southeast Asia. As for this month’s YAV, we present Nico Ravanilla (University of California at San Diego), on “The Staying Power of Dynastic Politicians in the Philippines”.

List of articles:
1. Daena Funahashi: In the Name of the People; Magic and the Enigma of Health Governance in Thailand
2. Andrew Alan Johnson: Land and Lordship: Royal Devotion, Spirit Cults and the Geo-Body
3. Anusorn Unno: “Raya Kita”: Malay Muslims of Southern Thailand and the King
4. Giuseppe Bolotta: A Christmas Mourning: Catholicism in Post-Bhumibol Thailand
5. Matthew Phillips: Good, Clean Mourning in Thailand’s Cosmopolitan Cosmos

Website: https://kyotoreview.org/

For YAV, here it is: https://kyotoreview.org/yav/the-staying-power-of-dynastic-politicians-in-the-philippines/

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