
IPCC Workshop

Prospects and pitfalls of transboundary climate change responses

Date & time: Tuesday, 7 May 2019, 4-6pm
Location: CSEAS Large Conference Room (333), 3rd floor of the Inamori Foundation Building
Language: English

KAWANISHI Masato – Senior Advisor for Climate Change, JICA
UMETSU Chieko – Professor of Environmental Economics, Division of Natural Resource Economics, Kyoto University
TAKAHASHI Kiyoshi – Researcher and IPCC WG2 Author, NIES
FLUEGEL Ron – Advisor for Spatial Planning, GIZ
THOMAS Kimberley – Visiting Research Scholar, CSEAS, Kyoto University; Assistant Professor of Geography, Temple University
D’SOUZA Rohan – Professor of Environmental History, ASAFAS, Kyoto University (Moderator)