
An International workshop at Harvard-Yenching Library, “Frames and Platforms: Approaches to the Study of Manchukuo Postcards and Other Visual Sources”

An International workshop at Harvard-Yenching Library,
“Frames and Platforms: Approaches to the Study of Manchukuo Postcards and Other Visual Sources”

Date: May 14, 2019
Location: Common Room, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 0213

Panel 1: 10:00am-12:00 noon

10:00-10:15 Kuniko Yamada McVey, Harvard-Yenching Library.
“Introductory Remarks: The Digitization of Harvard-Yenching Library’s Manchukuo Postcards Collection”

10:15-10:45 Professor Toshihiko Kishi, Kyoto University.
“The Asahi Newspaper Stock-Photo Vault and its Relation to the Use of the Linked Archive of Asian Post Cards”

10:45-11:15 Professor Paul Barclay, Lafayette College.
“Needs and Opportunities for Historical Research in Prewar Japanese Postcards: The Case for Institutional Cooperation and Digital Archiving”

11:15-12:00 Q & A

Lunch break: 12:00-1:00pm

Panel 2: 1:00pm-4:00pm

1:00-1:10 Katherine Matsuura, Harvard University.
“Introductory Remarks: Digital Scholarship in Japanese Studies at Harvard University”

1:10-1:40 Professor Akihiro Kameda, Kyoto University.
“Introduction to IIIF, Outline of Cultural Materials, and Progress on the Linked Archive Project”

1:40-2:10 Dr. Nishioka Chifumi, Kyoto University Library.
“An Example of IIIF Implementation: Possibilities for the Linked Archive of Asian Post Cards”

2:10-2:40 Susan Paige Taylor, Harvard University.

Coffee Break: 2:40-3:00pm

3:00-3:15 Feng-en Tu, Harvard University.
“Manchukuo and the East Asian Maps Project at the Harvard-tr Library”

3:15-4:00 Q & A