


■2020年度第7回 研究会

日時: 2020年2月20日(木)16:30-18:00
場所:京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所 稲盛財団記念館2階 213

報告者會田剛史氏 (日本貿易振興機構 アジア経済研究所)

言語: 日本語

報告論題: Spatial vs. Social Network Effects in Risk Sharing

Employing spatial panel econometric models, this study extends the
conventional empirical test of the full risk-sharing hypothesis to
incorporate spatial and social network effects, and quantifies the
diffusion of income shocks in each network. Estimation results based on
household survey data in Southern Sri Lanka show that consumption smoothing
performs better in spatial networks than in social ones because income
shocks defuse more effectively among neighboring households. This study
also shows the limitations of the conventional test when it is
considered a special case of a spatial econometric model.

キーワード: Risk sharing; network; distance; kinship; spatial econometrics; spillover effect

幹事: 町北朋洋、三重野文晴(以上、東南アジア地域研究研究所)、矢野剛、高野久紀(以上、経済学研究科)

その他: どなたでも自由にご参加いただけます。予約不要。