Sabina Choshen
相関地域研究部門 連携研究員
研究分野 / キーワード
Heritage Preservation and Tourism Development in two ‘Ancient Villages’ in Vietnam
Heritage Preservation and Tourism Development in two ‘Ancient Villages’ in Vietnam |
This research aims to explore somewhat conflicting aspects of the historic-cultural heritage preservation, tourism development, local ways of life and increasing need of the inhabitants to modernize and improve their living condition in so called ‘living heritage sites’ in Vietnam, mainly focusing on the two officially recognized ‘ancient villages’ – Duong Lam in the northern part of Vietnam and Phuoc Tich in the central part, as two case studies. It sheds light on the phenomenon of transforming anonymous villages to a National Heritage and touristic sites. In Vietnam, local authorities together with international experts on heritage preservation are conducting projects of heritage preservation and tourism development in the ‘living heritage sites’. It contributes to the better understanding of Vietnam’s village history, heritage preservation and tourism development in the designated sites, and how historic and cultural heritage was preserved before and after the nomination of the villages, and on heritage tourism in Southeast Asia more generally. |