The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals

タイ Year 13

名前 Attachak Sattayanurak
所属/肩書き Associate Professor,
Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University
プロジェクトテーマ Resolutions to Conflicts and Violence in the ASEAN Social and Political Landscape
プロジェクト概要 This project focuses on discussing and exchanging views with Japanese and Asian academics about resolutions to conflict and violence in Asian social and political landscape. Dialogues with Japanese and Asian academics would benefit both parties in identifying overlooked issues, and establishing a foundation for future collaborations.
訪問国 Japan, Philippines, Malaysia
名前 Sanan Chusakun
所属/肩書き Director,
Taammun Project, Esaan Community Foundation
プロジェクトテーマ The Community Creative Power for Sustainable and Fair Development Study Project
プロジェクト概要 This study aims to compare study in the role changed community in term of socio-economic and self-governning in five countries and will reports with investigated reports.
訪問国 Indonesia, Philippines, Japan
名前 Viriya Swangchot
所属/肩書き Lecturer,
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University
プロジェクトテーマ Creative Cities and The Sustainable Life: A Study on the Making of Cultural Spaces in Osaka and Bandung
プロジェクト概要 This project intends to examine the relation among arts policy, cultural economy and people focusing on creative class’s roles in the making of cultural spaces. It uses case studies from creative class’s roles in Osaka and Bandung. Why Osaka and Bandung? Because , recently, these two old Asian cities have confronted of new cultural policies invented by Japan, Osaka in 2007 and Indonesia government, Bandung in 2007, so called “Creative Cities policies” It can be urged that studying these two cities are not simply studying the new urban culture. There are about studying the major socio-cultural process of a new era of Asian cities.
訪問国 Japan, Indonesia
名前 Teerawat Mulvilai
所属/肩書き Artistic Director,
B-Floor Theatre Company
プロジェクトテーマ Freedom of Expression and the Performing Arts
プロジェクト概要 Freedom of expression and the Performing Artsproject is interested in creating a dialogue between the artists as artists and as citizens in order to connect their perceptions of society and life. Artists from different backgrounds and languages from the same regions will get to create a work and design a future as we want it, with the belief that in order for change and development towards becoming a strong society to come about, intellectual freedom must be allowed and promoted, and this will lead human and its society to the true civilization.
訪問国 Indonesia, Japan