「ハイバイオマス社会における人間と自然の相関性」プロジェクト研究発表にたいするコメント ロハン・ド・スーザ

ロハン・ド・スーザ (Jawaharlal Nehru University)


各発表について、 7月18日のワークショップでは、以下のテーマにおいて発表がおこなわれた。

 明らかなように、プロジェクトでは、地域にさし迫った諸問題の全体像を複合的に示す事を目的としている。これらのテーマは、それぞれ個別の研究関心にしたがいながら、全体として、地域の政治経済の全体像を示し、また環境変化の文脈についてまとめあげている。野生生物に関する発表とアブラヤシ小規模生産者の成立についての議論は、当地域の住民が、変化するシナリオに対し、ただ受動的姿勢を貫くのではなく、むしろ彼らなりに可能性を積極的に追求していることを示した。言いかえれば、地域住民の関与とは、潜在的機会とうまく折り合い適合して、さらに活用してゆく試みであると捉えることができる。つまり、新たに出現しつづける脆弱と不安定な状況によって、地域住民が悪影響を受けていると見える中にあっても、実は彼らはつねに新たな好機つかもうとしているのである。おそらく、社会と環境の変化の文脈における住民の多様な対応について、今後もさらに、このようなローカルな戦略をとらえた多くの研究がなされてゆくであろう。William Crononの素晴らしい著Changes in the Landを思いおこされた。この名著では、アメリカ先住民が、ヨーロッパ人の移住者に対しどのように対応するかを述べている。




                               (訳 長谷川悟郎)

 The High Biomass Project (Henceforth HBP) has taken up the task of documenting and examining a profound moment of environmental transformation and social change along the sprawling watershed of the Kemena-Jelalong river in Sarawak (Borneo). The recent introduction of plantations (oilpalm and acacia), as a type of industrial ecology in the region, has, understandably, initiated wide-ranging landscape and cultural alterations. Capturing both the scale and depth of these impacts and other consequences in the Kemena-Jelalong watershed is undoubtedly an important research initiative. Not merely because it can track and analyse the environmental and social trajectories that are taking place but, importantly enough, that there may be larger lessons to be learnt for South East Asia in particular and the development/environmental puzzle in general.

 The research design, to me, appears well formulated and positioned as an exciting project. At heart, lies the intention to forge a dialogue between the social and natural sciences. In other words, it seeks to trouble the “neutral” concepts of science with the value laden claims of the humanities. By thus disturbing and softening such disciplinary boundaries, this project opens up the possibility to debate problems of environmental transformation, social change and inevitably the elusive idea of sustainability.

The Presentations
 For the Workshop on the 18th of July, the following themes were presented:
a) An overview of the project
b) Material and financial metabolism in oil palm production
c) Trade in Sarawak in the 19th century
d) Sustainable Forest Management at a logging area
e) Inventory of Wild Life
f) Trade on edible bird nests
g) Water quality and water flows

 As is apparent from these concerns, the project aims to weave together and present a holistic picture of the kinds of challenges that are overwhelming the region. The themes, therefore, while able to be presented as stand-alone or discrete research efforts, they can easily feed into a larger attempt to outline a set of patterns and broader processes that are defining the region’s political economy and shaping its changed environmental contexts.  The presentations on wild life and the discussion on the emergence of small holder palm oil growers suggest that the local populations in the watershed are not mere passive recipients to the changed scenario but rather are actively seeking to create possibilities for themselves. Put differently, one could conceptualize the local interventions as attempts at simultaneously coping, adapting and harnessing potential opportunities. That is, even though local populations might appear to be adversely affected by some of the new vulnerabilities and instabilities, they are also attempting to seize and create new opportunities. Perhaps, more papers will capture such local strategies and reveal their complex actions with regard to the changed social and environmental context. I am reminded of the wonderful book by William Cronon titled Changes in the Land. A classic which looks at how native American populations sought to respond to the European migrations to America.

 The presentations on histories of trade and the commercial links with distant urban centres and markets (bird nests for example) were helpful in emphasizing the region’s many complex connections with global commodities. Clearly, the Sarawak cannot be treated as being an isolated region nor insulated from broader global influences. The implications here are several. One of them being, the need to understand how local institutions for trade, exchange and commerce might be functioning, especially over time. And how such institutions might helps negotiate with the new pressures on the forests in the watershed.

 The presentations on the water quality and logging impacts bring into strong relief the need to ensure that the knowledge on high science and data generated by experts are kept in constant dialogue with peoples own perceptions about the problems of industrial plantations and their own sense about how they can be solved. I for one do not believe that expert assessments should function in isolation from the noise that local populations generate about their plight.

Suggestions and my wish List
 Delighted and inspired as I am by the HBP research effort, I would suggest two types of cautions:

a) I would develop the notion of social-nature here. In which it is important to grasp how local populations perceive and organize understandings of their natural surroundings through their existing cultural endowments. On the other hand, Nature cannot be entirely reduced to a cultural construction. Nature after all has its own materiality and can be examined and probed in a secular way through modern science. Maintaining such a theoretical tension, in my opinion, will be crucial to how the project sustains a dialogue between the social and natural sciences.

b) Secondly, I would take up the challenge of exploring how new imaginations for the region are being constituted in the light of the dramatic changes that are occurring. Here, I would urge the scholars to pursue this as a problem constituting exercise rather than a problem solving exercise. The difference is the following: while problem constituting means the research team is keen to credibly and compellingly establish the various dimensions and colours of the problem, it does not attempt to overtly pursue solutions. This is important because correctly constructing a problem can imply solutions rather than insisting on a single solution pathway. On the other hand, a problem solving approach tends to exclude local voices as the expert tends to triumph in such a situation. Rather, once the problem is credibly established good policy will invite multi-stakeholder participation to negotiate solutions. As pointed out, this watershed comprises a series of habitat mosaics, in turn peopled by a range of different ethnic groups and lastly despite being positioned along distinct ecological zones they are nevertheless integrally linked through a spectrum of social and environmental relationships. The collage of habitat mosaics, in other words, are stitched together into a web of dependencies and mutually affirming linkages. Thus, solutions to their challenges will always involve democratic discussions and debate rather than top down expert led advice.

 Lastly, I would urge such an exercise to respond or engage with the fields of environmental history, political ecology, critical geography and Science and Technology Studies. Environmental transformation and social change are the bread and butter issues of the above mentioned fields/disciplines and an effort such as this has great capacity to speak to not only such writings but to also dialogue with comparative experiences elsewhere. The shift from being a riverine community to that of a roadside society has parallels in many parts of Asia and a study such as this, perhaps, can explain this phenomenon with new facts and another set of compelling theories.

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