Organizational Chart for Project Implementation
Chief researcher
- ISHIKAWA Noboru (Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University, Professor)
Major field:Social Anthropology
- KIMURA Daiji (Kyoto University Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Professor/Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Professor,Director)
Major field:African Area Studies,Ecological Anthropology
- SHIGETA Masayoshi (Kyoto University Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Professor)
Major field:Anthropology
- TANABE Akio (Kyoto University Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Professor)
Major field:South Asian Area Studies, Historical Anthropology
- TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto University Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Professor)
Major field:Islamic Studies
- YAMANE So(Osaka University Graduate school of Language and Culture, Professor)
Major field:Urdu Literature