
3. Education

1) Program

Establishment of COE on Sustainable Energy System

2) Related Organization

Graduate School of Energy Science : http://www.energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp/

Institute of Advanced Energy : http://www.iae.kyoto-u.ac.jp/

Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere : http://www.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/

3) Outline

The goal of Education at Graduate School of Energy Science is enumerated as the following four points.

1. Creation of a new discipline of energy science fusing the natural science and the humanities social science.

2. Fostering of experts in energy science who can solve various energy and environmental problems.

3. Enhancement of partnerships with the society and reeducation to the member of society.

4. Fostering of experts who can take the lead internationally, by using international joint research projects.

4) WEB
