
*: At time of Acceptancetd
Continue: FY2014(H26) / New: FY2015(H27)
Type I : Field-based Area Studies by Using Field Stations and Liaison Offices
H26 I-1 International Collaborative Research on Mekong Giant Catfish Conservation Mitsunaga Yasushi
(Kinki University, Faculty of Agriculture)
H26 I-2 Anthropological Study on Network Construction of Hainanese Chinese in Indonesia Yokota Sachiko
(University of Shiga Prefecture, School of Human Cultures)
H27 I-3 Research of the Development of Middle-class-like Consumption Patterns in Indonesia Kurasawa Aiko
(Keio University, Emeritus Professor)
H27 I-4 The Strategic Use of Visa Policy: Political Analysis of Thailand’s Migration Policies in the Era of Regional Integration Aizawa Nobuhiro
(Kyushu University, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies)
Type II : Intensive and Strategic Area Studies in Collaboration with CSEAS Visiting Fellows
H26 II-1 Comparative Study on Traditional Application of Resources of SATO in Rural Development in Myanmar and Japan Suzuki Reiji
(Kyoto Gakuen University, Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science)
H27 II-2 Practices and Exchanges by Ethnic Minorities in the Current “Zomia” Area:Comparative Studies under Political and Economical Systems Ochiai Yukino
(Ryukoku University, Department of Food Agriculture System, Faculty of Agriculture)
Type III : Document-sharing through Use of the CSEAS Repository
H26 III-1 Study on Landscape Changes in Mainland Southeast Asia through the 3D-Image Map Archive of William-Hunt Collection Hasegawa Hiroyuki
(Japan Federation of Land and House Investigators’ Associations)
H27 III-2 Large Scale Investigation of Socio-economic Situation in Indonesian Villages Using Village Potential Data (Podes) and Census Data Furukawa Fumiko
(Kobe university, Graduate school of human development and Environment)
Type IV : Exploratory Area Studies Aiming at Larger-scale Research Projects
H26 IV-1 Clientelist Politics and Developmental Politics in Southeast Asian Capital Cities Kusaka Wataru
(Nagoya University, Graduate School of International Development)
H26 IV-2 Southeast Asia in the History of the 19th-century Asian Economy Ota Atsushi
(Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Letters)
H26 IV-3 Re-publicizing the Philippines:Rebuilding Lives after Typhoon Yolanda Yamamoto Hiroyuki
(Kyoto University, Center for Integrated Area Studies)
H26 IV-4 The Impact of Air Pollution Originating from Indonesion Peat Fires Okumura Motonori
(Research Institute of Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries, Osaka Prefecture, Center for environmental science)
H26 IV-5 Memories and Discourse in Search of Justice—An Analysis of the Conflict over Acts of the Japanese Military during WW II in Asia Matsuno Akihisa
(Osaka University, Osaka School of International Public Policy)
H26 IV-6 Rural Myanmar in the Transition to Democracy Matsuda Masahiko
(Ritsumeikan University, College of International Relations)
H26 IV-7 Exploring the Urbanography of Yangon, Bangkok and Colombo as Integrated and Comparative Area Studies Osada Noriyuki
(Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO, Current Affairs Studies Group, Area Studies Center)
H26 IV-8 Impacts of Development of Plantation Forestry and Oil Palm Plantations on Nature and Social Economy:Collaborative Research with Local Partners in West Kalimantan Province of Indonesia Hayashida Hideki
(Doshisha University, Institute for the Study of Humanities & Social Sciences)
H27 IV-9 Secular Ecological and Aging Transition in Neurodegenerative Diseases in Papua in Indonesia Okumiya Kiyohito
(Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
H27 IV-10 Comparative Sexuality Politics in Southeast Asia—Sexual Minority in the Age of Democratization and Globalization Iga Tsukasa
(Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
H27 IV-11 Preliminary Study for Multi-regional Clinical Researches/Trials in Asia Banno Haruhiko
(Nagoya University, PhD Professional Office)
H27 IV-12 Creating Union Catalog Database for Periodicals for Sharing Information among Researchers Working on Area Studies in Vietnam Miyazawa Chihiro
(Nanzan University, Faculty of Humanities)
H27 IV-13 Basic Long-term Preservation by Media Conversion and Sharing of Southeast Asian Newspapers for Research Community Kojima Hiroyuki
(The University of Tokyo, raduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics)
H27 IV-14 The Urban Dynamics and Stratification in the Global Cities in Southeast Asia Endo Tamaki
(Saitama University, Faculty of Economics)
H27 IV-15 Grasping the Recent Trend of Intra- and Inter- Regional Expansion of Asean Commercial Banks: Its Implication in the Regional History Hamada Miki
(Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO, Development Studies Center)
H27 IV-16 Training of Trainers for Community-based Medical Care for the Elderly in Bhutan Sakamoto Ryota
(Kyoto University, Hakubi Center for Advanced Research)
H27 IV-17 The Research of the Change of Life-style and Atherosclerosis in Indigenous People Living in New Guinea High Land Fujisawa Michiko
(Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
Type V : Publication of “Kyoto Area Studies on Asia”
H27 V-1 Beyond the Colonial State:Filipino Policymakers and the Central Bank, 1933-1964 Takagi Yusuke
(National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Graduate School of Policy Studies)
Type Ⅵ : Individual Research Program for Fostering Young Scholar
H27 VI-1 A Historical Review of Culture-bound Psychiatric Syndrome:“Amok” Imai Hissei
(Mitsuya Clinic)
H27 VI-2 Natural Resource Policies and Economic Nationalism under Democracy in Indonesia Kayane Yuka
(Kyoto University, Center of Southeast Asia Studies)
H27 VI-3 To Understand the Land Use Change in Sumatra Island through Topographical Maps Koizumi Yusuke
(The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
H27 VI-4 A Social History of Governance and Subsistence:War and Socialism in the Mekong Delta of Southern Vietnam Shimojo Hisashi
(Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
H27 VI-5 Literature Review about Dementia:Current Situations, and History and Its Health Policy Fukutomi Eriko
(Mie University, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine)
H27 VI-6 The Role of the Community Health Volunteer in Thai Rural Community Yoshimura Chie
(Kumamoto Gakuen University, Faculty of Social Welfare)
H27 VI-7 Political Ideas during the People’s Republic of Kampuchea (1979-89, PRK) and the State of Cambodia (1989-93, SOC) Period:Construction and Change of Images concerning National History and Culture through “Kampuchea” Shintani Haruno
(The University of Tokyo, Department of Area Studies, Graduate school of Arts and Sciences)