UNIMAS-Kyoto Seminar
2011年1月24日 京都大学 東南アジア研究所

本プロジェクトの現地協力者でもある、マレーシア・サラワク大学(UNIMAS)のDaniel Chew氏とJayl Langub氏をお招きして、最新の研究成果について発表していただきました。Daniel Chew氏には、植民地期におけるサラワク華人のアイデンティティの問題について、Jayl Langub氏には、やはり植民地期における状況を中心に、遊動プナンとロングハウス居住の焼畑民との間の交易システムについて、それぞれ語っていただきました。
”Chinese in Sarawak, 1946-1963: Education, Land and Belonging” by Daniel Chew
(The topic) is on Chinese identity formation in Sarawak during the period of British colonial rule from 1946 to 1963, on how the ethnic Chinese perceived their identity in response to political circumstances and socio-cultural factors.
Extraneous factors such as the historical and cultural identity of the Chinese, how China viewed its role in relation to the Chinese overseas, the attitudes and policies of the British colonial government, and the reactions of the indigenous people of Sarawak towards the Chinese, shaped the self perceptions of the Chinese and their sense of belonging to Sarawak. In particular, Chinese education and the demand for land for planting will be examined for their influence on Chinese identity.
”Tamu: Trading at the Edge” by Jayl Langub
At the turn of the 20th century, the Brooke government in Sarawak instituted a system of government-supervised trade meetings known as tamu between the nomadic Penan and longhouse-dwelling swidden agriculturalists. This system of trade involved three parties: the Penan, their longhouse neighbours and the government acting as a mediator to ensure fair dealings.
It is a unique system in that it combined governance and fair economic exchange between stronger and weaker groups. The institution is significant in that it revealed much about the Brookes’ philosophy and governance towards small and isolated groups such as the Penan. The system is no longer practiced but is still remembered with nostalgia by the Penan, primarily for being respectful and fair to all parties.


(報告: 祖田亮次)