University, School and Institute level


●Education and exchange Program

Founded in 1897, Kyoto University has anchored its education program on a tradition of liberal and academic freedom. We continue to actively abide by these principles, as we pursue research on priority areas like basic research and advanced technology leading to the acquisition of intellectual property. The University then returns the knowledge amassed to society through education, social cooperation, and lifelong education. Each faculties follow a 4-year curriculum (except for the faculty of medicine which has a 6 year program). For more details, please see

On the University’s Research programs, please see


About 1200 foreign students are studying in Kyoto University today. Sixty-nine percent are graduate students, and among the total number, 10 percent come from Southeast Asia. The University has been accepting foreign students for over 10 years now. For more information, see

Kyoto University is also actively promoting exchange program between foreign scholars and its faculty. For details, please see the 2006 cycle of this program

・Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

University Level

In 2006, Kyoto University has memoranda of understanding with schools from 26 countries, including 71 universities and institutions. In Southeast Asia, it has 7 partner universities in 4 countries (Indonesia [2], Thailand [3], Laos [1], and Singapore [1]). Please see list of these institutions in



School and Institute level

There has been a total of 242 academic exchange agreements between the University’s Departments / Faculties and their counterparts in. There are 39 such agreements with Southeast Asian faculties. For details, please visit

In Southeast Asia, there are agreements with 39 universities.
