The Acacia project


1) Project

The Acacia project

2) Related organization

Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (formerly Wood Research Institute), Kyoto University :

Graduate School Agriculture, Kyoto University

Research and Development Unit for Biomaterials, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Musi Hutan Persata., PT.

3) Period

FY 2005~

4) Outline

The Acacia Project is the intersphere and interdisciplinary mission project regarding “Sustainable Forest Management and Regional Environment”. This project employs a large-scale industrial acacia plantation in southern Sumatra which has been set as research field in the collaboration among the RISH, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Musi Hutan Persada Corp. (MHP). The project integrates the research fields of bioscience, forest science, radio science, atmospheric science and materials science, and aims to evaluate the forest biomass as sustainable material/energy and environmental resources, thus contributing to both the global environment and the economy of the local community.