2014 Visual Documentary Project: People and Nature in Southeast Asia
2014 Visual Documentary Project: People and Nature in Southeast Asia 【Deadline: October 21, 2014】EXTENDED to October 23, 2014 Visual Documentary Project 2014>>
2014 Visual Documentary Project: People and Nature in Southeast Asia 【Deadline: October 21, 2014】EXTENDED to October 23, 2014 Visual Documentary Project 2014>>
Post-doctoral fellowships: The current stage was over.
Building on the imperative to promote region-based Southeast Asian Studies, the Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA) is organizing its inaugural biennial conference in Kyoto, JAPAN on December 12-13, 2015. SEASIA 2015 welcomes panel proposals and paper presentations on: Southeast Asian Studies in Asia Law, Politics and Regional Order Environment and Society Development and its (Dis)contents Mobilities, Connections, Exchanges Change & Resistance in Rural Southeast Asia New Approaches to History and Culture Deadline for application: July 15, 2014 For submission details, please visit. http://seasia-consortium.org/conference-2015/about-2/
DEADLINE: 20 May 2014 The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University, Japan, invites applications for a two-year CSEAS Post-Doctoral Fellowship under its program “Southeast Asia Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere.” Southeast Asia, through its regional institution of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), has emerged as a hub for East Asia community-building. The highly diverse societies in this region have undergone rapid social, economic, and political changes that can only be understood if the local-global knowledges and experiences of their peoples, and the ways in which these knowledges and experiences are shaped by, and in turn shape, the ecologies, histories, and social relations in their respective habitats, […]
Visual Documentary Project>>
Post-doctoral fellowships: The current stage was over.
Post-doctoral fellowships Southeast Asia, through its regional institution of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), has emerged as a hub for East Asia community-building. The highly diverse societies in this region have undergone rapid social, economic, and political changes that can only be understood if the local-global knowledges and experiences of their peoples, and the ways in which these knowledges and experiences are shaped by, and in turn shape, the ecologies, histories, and social relations in their respective habitats, are fully taken into account. Working within the paradigm of “sustainable humanosphere” (for further discussion of the concept, visit http://www.humanosphere.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/), this research program seeks to promote sustainable development in Southeast Asia […]