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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Staff:Visiting Research Fellows

Visiting Research Fellow
Informatics and Network Laboratory
Division of Area Informatics


Research Interests

My work involves the study of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, using open source software, to present archeological information on the Internet. Until recently, ordinary maps were used to present archeological sites. One of my objectives is to study the results of combining GIS technology with the Internet to present archeological information. For example, if we can use more than one map to display a selected area at different points in time and according to different kinds of data, we can create ‘dynamic maps’ that provide many kinds of information of the selected area. In addition, we can link such maps to the Internet in order to provide data or output that can be widely accessed at any time. For my project, I have tried to find ways of using open source software to exhibit multimedia maps of archeological sites via the Internet.

Research Activities in CSEAS

  1. Title: International Symposium on Geo-Informatics for Historical Studies in Asia
  2. Date & Time:November 12 - 14, 2005
  3. Place:Sunway Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam
  4. Topic:Thang Long-Hanoi Historical Map using FOSS/MapServer
  5. Organizer & Coorganizer:Center for South East Asian Studies, Kyoto University (JP), Japan Vietnam Geoinformatics Consortium (JP), Silpakon University (TH), 21th Century COE Program, Kyoto University (JP), Embassy of Japan Vietnam (VN)(planned), Japan Society of Geoinformatics (JP) and Graduate School of Humanities and Society, The University of Tokyo (JP).