CARY, Caverlee
Visiting Research Fellow
Devision of Area Informatic
Geographic Information Systems
Research Interests
My research interest is the application of digital technologies, particularly
Geographic Information Systems, to the humanities. Working under GIS Center
Director John R. Radke and with the assistance of GIS Center staff, I develop
and promote projects that integrate data from the humanities and other
disciplines in a digital environment using GIS for the advancement of education
and research. This has involved the development of digital projects as
well as the implementation of training workshops at the GIS Center, UC
Berkeley, where I am currently employed, and jointly with collaborators
I am also interested in the processes and institutions which mediate cultural
understanding, such as museums; the historical role of technology in relation
to culture; and in the explorations of cultural recording, representation,
and transmission that technologies have made possible.
Academic Career
Geographic Information Science Center, University of California, Berkeley
Current Position: Associate Director
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
Position: Associate Director
Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California,
Position: Adjunct Lecturer
Center for Southeast Asia Studies, University of California, Berkeley
Position: Acting Vice Chair
International and Area Studies, University of California, Berkeley
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