Staff: Visiting Research Fellows
Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: February 1, 2009 - April 30, 2009)
Area StudiesⅠ
Innovation and Economic Development
Research Interests
Economics of Technical Change and Innovation; Science, Technology and Innovation
Policies in Developing Countries; Innovation Systems and Industrial Clusters
in Asia; the roles of Intellectual Property Rights in Economic Catching
up; Technological Capabilities and Strategies in Latecomer Firms; Foreign
Direct Investment and its Impacts on Technological Learning of Host Countries.
Academic Career
- 2002-2008
Senior Policy Researcher/Project Leader of Thailand's National Innovation
System Study, National Science & Technology Development Agency, Thailand
- 2000-2002
Policy Researcher, National Science & Technology Development Agency,
Main Publications (Books)
- Lecler, Y. and Intarakumnerd, P. (eds) (forthcoming), *Industrial Development
in Thailand : Industrial Policies, Firms Agglomeration and Land Management*,
Lyon, France: IRASEC.
- Lundvall, B., Intarakumnerd, P., Vang, J. (eds) (2006), *Asian Innovation
Systems in Transition*, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar
Main Publications (Journal articles and book chapters)
- Intarakumnerd, P. and Chairatana, P. (2008), 'Shifting S&T Policy Paradigm.
An Experience of an RTO in Thailand,' *International Journal of Technology
and Globalization*, 4 (2), 121-138.
- Intarakumnerd, P., and Fujita, M. (2008), 'Coping with a Giant: Challenges
and Opportunities for Thai and Vietnamese Motorcycle Industry from China,'
*Science, Technology & Society*, 13 (1), January-June.
- Intarakumnerd, P. (2007). 'FDI Strategies, Technological Upgrading, Spillovers:
Lessons of Thailand for Other Developing Countries,' Journal of Science
Policy and Research Management, 22 (2), 103-116.
- Intarakumnerd, P. and Chaminade, C. (2007) Strategy versus Practice in
Innovation Systems Policy: the case of Thailand. *Asian Journal of Technology
Innovatio*n, 15, 2 (December), 197-213.
- Intarakumnerd, P. and Brimble, P. (2007), 'Thailand at the Crossroads:
the Dynamics of Thailand's National Innovation System' in T. Turpin and
V.V. Krishna (eds.), *Science, Technology Policy and the Diffusion of Knowledge:
Understanding the Dynamics of Innovation Systems in the Asia Pacific*,
Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar
- Intarakumnerd, P. and Vang, J. (eds.) (2006) 'Introduction' *Science, Technology
& Society*, special issue Clusters and Innovation Systems in Asia ,
11 (1), Jan- June.
- Intarakumnerd, P. (2006) 'Thailand's National Innovation System in Transition'
in Lundvall, B., Intarakumnerd, P. and Vang, J. (eds.) *Asia's Innovation
Systems in Transition*, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar
- Intarakumnerd, P and Pooparadai, K (2006), 'Innovation Systems for ICT:
The case of Thailand', chapter 5 in A.Baskaran and M. Muchie (eds.), *Bridging
the Digital Divide: Innovation Systems for ICT in Brazil, China, India,
Thailand and Southern Africa*, London:Adonis & Abbey publishers
- Intarakumnerd, P. (2005), 'The Roles of Intermediaries in Clusters: The
Thai Experiences in High-tech and Community-based Clusters, *Asian Journal
of Technology Innovation*, 13 (2), pp. 23-43.
- Intarakumnerd, P. (2005) "Government Mediation and Transformation
of Thailand's National Innovation System,' *Science, Technology and Society,*10(1),
- Intarakumnerd, P. and Virasa, T. (2004) "Government Policies and Measures
in Supporting Technological Capability Development of Latecomer Firms:
A tentative Taxonomy", *Journal of Technology Innovation*,12(2), 1-19.
- Intarakumnerd, P. and Pantawi, P. (2003)"Science and Technology Development
towards a Knowledge-based Economy", in M. Makishima and S. Suksiriserekul
(eds.), *Human Resource Development Toward a Knowledge-based Economy: The
Case of Thailand*, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan
- Intarakumnerd, P., Chairatana, P., Tangjitpiboon, T. (2002), 'National
Innovation System in Less Successful Developing Countries: the Case of
Thailand', *Research Policy*, 31 (8-9), 2002, 1445-1457.
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