Staff: Visiting Research Fellows
 LIU, Hong
Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: September 1, 2009 - February 28, 2010)
Southeast Asian Documentation Ⅱ
International Migration; History; International Relations
Research Interests
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Governance in Transnational Asia |
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China’s rise and implications for East/Southeast Asia |
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Sino-Southeast Asian interactions in the socio-cultural arenas |
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Chinese international migration, nationalism and transnationalism |
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Chinese social and business networks with special reference to Southeast
Asia |
Academic Career
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Professor of East Asian Studies and Director of Centre for Chinese Studies,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom (2006.7--present) |
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Chinese Ministry of Education "Yangtze Distinguished Professorship",
School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (Canton),
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Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Studies,
National University of Singapore (1995.11-2006.6, tenured in August 2000) |
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Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
(2001.12-2002.5) |
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Research Fellow, Anthropological-Sociological Center/Center for Asian Studies,
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1987.12-1989.3) |
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Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer, History Department, Xiamen (Amoy) University,
PRC (1985.7-1987.11) |
- China and the Shaping of Indonesia, 1949-1965. Singapore, 2010.
- Battle for the Minds: The Cold War in Asia and Beyond (co-edit with Yangwen
Zheng and Michael Szonyi). Boston, 2010.
- <海外华人研究的谱系:主题的变化与方法的演进>, 《华人研究国际学报》(新加坡),第二期 (2009), 即出.
- <国際移民と多民族国家の構造―シンガポール、イギリスの経験を中心>『環:歴史・環境・文明』(東京), まもなく出版される
- <作为新政策领域的跨国华人:20世纪末21世纪之初的中国与新加坡>,《中国研究》(北京),第5/6辑(2008),第252-74页.
- Pram dan Cina [Pramoedya and China] (co-author with Goenawan Mohamad, Sumit
Mandal). Jakarta, 2008.
- 《错综于市场、社会和国家之间—东亚口岸城市的华商与亚洲区域网络》(与廖赤阳合编). 新加坡,2008. [Shuttling between
Market, Society and the State: Chinese Merchants in Port Cities and the
Making of Trading Networks in East Asia (co-edit with Liao Chiyang). Singapore,
- The Chinese Overseas (editor and contributor), 4 volumes. London, 2006.
- “The Transnational Construction of ‘National Allegory’: China and the Cultural
Politics of Postcolonial Indonesia,” Critical Asian Studies (London), vol.
38, no. 3 (2006), pp. 179-210.
- <ネットワーク、アイデンティティと華人研究: 二十世紀の東アジア地域秩序を再検討する> (與廖赤陽合撰)『東南アジア研究』, 43卷,4号(2006),pp.346-373.
- “New Migrants and the Revival of Overseas Chinese Nationalism,” Journal
of Contemporary China (London), vol. 14, no. 43 (2005), pp. 291-316.
- Diasporic Chinese Ventures (co-edit with Gregor Benton and contributor).
London, 2004.
- Singapore Chinese Society in Transition: Business, Politics and Socio-economic
Change, 1945-1965 (co-author with S. K. Wong). New York, 2004.
- China and Southeast Asia: Changing Social and Cultural Linkages (co-edit
with Melissa Curley and contributor). Hong Kong, 2002.
- “Intellectual Representations and Socio-Political Implications: Comparative
China-Imagining in Postcolonial Indonesia and Contemporary America,” Asian
Thought and Society (New York), vol. 26, no. 76 (2001), pp. 29-50.
- “Sino-Southeast Asian Studies: Towards an Alternative Paradigm,” Asian
Studies Review (Oxford), vol. 25, no. 3 (2001), pp. 259-283.
- “Social Capital and Business Networking: A Case Study of Modern Chinese
Transnationalism,” Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto), vol. 39, no. 3 (2001),
pp. 357-381.
- 《中国-东南亚学:理论建构∙互动模式∙个案分析》北京,2000. [Sino-Southeast Asian Studies: Theoretical
Framework, Interaction Patterns and Case Analyses]. Beijing, 2000.
- “Old Linkages, New Networks: The Globalization of Overseas Chinese Voluntary
Associations and its Implications,” The China Quarterly (Cambridge), no.
155 (1998), pp. 582-609.
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