Staff: Visiting Research Fellows
 NEEF, Andreas
Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: April 1, 2009 - August 31, 2009)
Area Studies I
“Politics of resource conservation and land allocation in Mainland Southeast
Research Interests
- ・Participatory approaches in agricultural research, extension and natural
resource management
• Environmental governance and politics of resource conservation
• Knowledge systems and innovation processes, multi-stakeholder knowledge
and innovation partnerships
• Impact of different land, water and forest tenure regimes on resource
• Payments for environmental services as a tool for poverty alleviation
and resource conservation in mountain watersheds
Academic Career
- ・2000-2009: Senior Scientist and Research Coordinator of the Thai-Vietnamese-German
Collaborative Research Program “Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development
in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia” in Thailand (and Vietnam until
December 2001)
• 1997-2000: Research Fellow at the Center for Agriculture in the Tropics
and Subtropics of the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
• 1999: PhD in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of
• 1996-1997: Research Associate in the Collaborative Research Program “Adapted
Farming in West Africa”, University of Hohenheim
• 1992-1996: Research Associate with the Dept. of Rural Development Theory
and Policy, University of Hohenheim
- Neef, A. & Thomas, D. forthcoming. Rewarding the upland poor for saving
the commons? Evidence from Southeast Asia. International Journal of the Commons 3(1).
- Neef, A. 2009. Transforming rural water governance: Towards deliberative
and polycentric models? Water Alternatives 2(1): 53-60.
- Neef, A. 2008. Integrating participatory elements in conventional research
projects: measuring the costs and benefits. Development in Practice 18(4-5): 576-589.
- Neef, A. 2008. Lost in translation: The participatory imperative and local
water governance in North Thailand and Southwest Germany. Water Alternatives 1(1): 89-110.
- Neef, A., Friederichsen, R. & Neubert, D. 2008. Juggling multiple roles
or falling between all stools? Insider action research in a collaborative
agricultural research program in Southeast Asia. Sociologus No. 1/2008: 55-80.
- Neef, A. & Heidhues, F. 2008. Sustainable rural development in mountainous
regions of Southeast Asia: The case of Thailand and Vietnam. Geographische Rundschau (International Edition), January 2008: 28-33.
- Neef, A., Friederichsen, R., Ekasingh, B., Neubert, D., Heidhues, F. &
Dang, N.T. 2007. Participatory research for sustainable development in
Vietnam and Thailand: From a static to an evolving concept. In: Heidhues,
F. et al. (eds.) Sustainable land use in mountainous regions of Southeast
Asia: Meeting the challenges of ecological, socio-economic and cultural
diversity. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 353-373.
- Neef, A., Heidhues, F., Stahr, K. & Sruamsiri, P. 2006. Participatory
and integrated research in mountainous regions of Thailand and Vietnam:
Approaches and lessons learned. Journal of Mountain Science 3(4): 305-324.
- Sangkapitux, C. & Neef, A. 2006. Assessing water tenure security and
livelihoods of highland people in northern Thailand. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 45(4): 377-396.
- Neef, A., Hager, J., Wirth, T., Heidhues, F. & Schwarzmeier, R. 2006.
Land tenure and water rights in Thailand and Vietnam – challenges for ethnic
minorities in mountainous forest regions. Geographica Helvetica 61(4): 255-265.
- Neef, A., Chamsai, L. & C. Sangkapitux 2006. Water tenure in highland
watersheds of northern Thailand: managing legal pluralism and stakeholder
complexity. In: Lebel, L. Jianchu, X. and Contreras, A. (eds.) Institutional
dynamics and stasis: How crises alter the way common pool resources are
perceived, used and governed. RCSD Monograph Series, Chiang Mai, pp. 64-88.
- Neef, A., Elstner, P. Sangkapitux, C., Chamsai, L., Bollen, A. & Kitchaicharoen,
J. 2005. Diversity of water management systems in Hmong and Thai communities
in Mae Sa watershed, northern Thailand. Mountain Research and Development 25(1): 20-24.
- Neef, A. (ed.) 2005. Participatory approaches for sustainable land use
in Southeast Asia. White Lotus, Bangkok.
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