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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Staff: Visiting Research Fellows

SITEPU, Apallidya
Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: November 1, 2010 - April 30, 2011)
Division of Information and Network for Area Studies

Research Interests

My research project as a Visiting Research Fellow / Librarian at the CSEAS, Kyoto University is the compilation of bibliography on Indonesian religious publication at CSEAS library.

Bibliography has the key function of guiding users to find the information sources and to understand the kind of information that can be found on the desired subject.

The CSEAS library has been collecting books on religious that publish in Indonesia since it’s began to collect the publications about Indonesia through branch office in Jakarta in 1983.

The objective of the compilation bibliography is to provide comprehensive information on Indonesian religious which are collected at CSEAS library. They can be used by scientists and researchers to support their academic and research activities. It is a tool that can help them to select the religious books of Indonesian publication in this library.

The compilation bibliography is divided into two main sections: main list and indexes. The main list contains description of books and there are two indexes: subject index and author index.

Conference Papers Presented

  1. Study of The Effectiveness Indonesian Scientific Journals. Digital Information and Systems Conference, Bandung 3 October 2009
  1. The ISSN National Center Indonesia Activities. 34th Meeting of Directors of ISSN Centers, National Library of China Beijing, 16-18 September 2009
  1. Indonesian Scientific Index as the Information System of CODATA Indonesia. National Seminar. Information Systems as a the Development Region Driver. Yogyakarta, 27 November 2008
  1. Open Access to Scientific Information in Indonesia. The 9th CO-EXIST-SEA (The Cooperative Program for the Exchange of Experiences, Expertise, Information in S &T in South East Asian Countries) SEMINAR, 26-29 February 2008, Tokyo, Japan, Organized by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  1. Online Research Information Databases: Status and Future Plans. The 9th CO-EXIST-SEA (The Cooperative Program for the Exchange of Experiences, Expertise, Information in S &T in South East Asian Countries) WORKSHOP, 27-28 November 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia, Organized by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  1. Sciences and Technology Database development in PDII-LIPI. The Two Days Joint Seminar of Indian and ASEAN Expert to Evolve Work Plan for Establishment of ASEAN-India S&T Digital Library, 29-30 May 2007, Bangkok