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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Staff: Visiting Research Fellows

Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: September, 2010 - February 28, 2011)
Division of Human-Nature Dynamics

Research Interests

My research project as a Visiting Research Fellow at the CSEAS, Kyoto University, explores the current dynamics in the struggle of Muslim Minorities in South Asia, specifically in Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam. This follows on from my research last year on the same topic but in South Thailand, the Southern Philippines and Penang, Malaysia which was supported by an Asian Public Intellectual (API) Senior Fellowship (2009-2010). My research areas of interest include Islam, human rights, minorities, and social movements.

I wish to compare the different dynamics between the Muslim minority movements in Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam, and, in a separate paper I plan to write, compare these three with the three countries in which I have already conducted research to identify possible future trends. Most studies on Muslim minorities focus largely on immigrant Muslim minorities in Europe, America and other large cities. Discussions concerning native Muslim minorities in Southeast Asia reveal a different dynamic, response and struggle.

Another topic I wish to explore in a paper is the immigrant Muslim minority in Japan. Although a number of works exist on this topic, it would be interesting to make a comparison with other Muslim minorities in Southeast Asia.

Academic Career

- Managing Identity: Muslim Minorities in Asia (South Thailand, Malaysia, and the Southern Philippines) as a Senior Fellow supported by an API (Asian Public Intellectual) Fellowship, July 2009 - March 2010.
- Research on the Pluralism Movement in Indonesia, supported by Hivos, the Netherlands, January - June 2008
- Monitoring Religious Freedom in Indonesia, supported by the Tifa Foundation and The Asia foundation, Jakarta, 2008 - 2010.

Recent Publications

  1. "The Muslim Minority Movement in Southmost Thailand: From the Periphery to the Centre", Studia Islamica, State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia (V. 17, N. 1, 2010, pp: 1-67)
  1. "Islam and Minorities: Managing Identity in Malaysia" Aljami'ah Journal of Islamic Studies, State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (V. 4, N. 1,2010, pp: 1-44)
  1. “Religious Freedom and Collective Violence in Indonesian Democratization” in Ota Atsushi and Ahmad Suaedy et. al. (eds.) Islam in Contention: Rethinking Islam and the State in Indonesia, Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) Kyoto University; Jakarta: The Wahid Institute; Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS) Taipei University, 2010.
  1. Perspektif Pesantren: Islam Indonesia, Gerakan Sosial Baru, Demokratisasi [The Pesantren Perspective: Indonesian Islam, New Social Movements and Democratization], (Ahmad Suaedy: Jakarta: Wahid Institute, 2009).
  1. Islam, The Constitution, and Human Rights: The Problem of Religious Freedom in Indonesia, (Ahmad Suaedy et. al., Jakarta: Wahid Institute, 2009).
  1. Agama dan Pergeseran Representasi: Konflik dan Rekonsiliasi di Indonesia [Religion and Shifting Representation: Conflict and Reconciliation in Indonesia], (Ahmad Suaedy at. al., 2009, Jakarta: Wahid Institute, 2009).
  1. Para Pembaharu: Pemikiran dan Gerakan Islam Asia Tenggara [The Reformists: Islamic Thought and Movements in Southeast Asia], (Ahmad Suaedy & Raja Juli (eds.), Jakarta: SEAMUS, 2009).