Staff: Visiting Research Fellows
 TRUONG, Xuan Luan
Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: July 16, 2010 - October 15, 2010)
Division of Information and Network for Area Studies
Research Interests
I have come to CSEAS, Kyoto University to work on the following subjects.
One is to do some research and publish a result on development and urbanization
process of Thang Long-Dong Do-Ha Noi. It is derived from the Hanoi Project
which has been carried out the by Prof. Mamoru Shibayama, CSEAS. Beside
I have to work on another two projects. First, it is to study on Shallow
Landslide Vulnerability Assessment (a case study in Hanoi Region, Vietnam)
using TRIGRS (Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability
Analysis) in geoinformatics (informatics, GIS, and RS) and area informatics
technologies. Second, it is to analyze ground water and related problems
in Hanoi which has been belong to the program of sustainable development
of Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Academic Career
Assoc. Professor, Departmnet of GeoInformatics
M.A. in mathematics apply for geoscience
Ph. D. in Mathematics-informatics in geoscience, 1992
Postdoctor in Geostatistics, Ecole Surperieure des Mines de Paris, France
Postdoctor in GIS and RS, University Cathholique de Louvain-la Neuve, Belgique
Publications (Books)
- Methods of Economics Evaluation for Geology
- Mathematics and Informatics in Earth Science
- Geographical Information Systeme in Earth Science
- Remote Sensing in Geology
- Geostatistics Apply
Publications (Papers)
- Truong Xuan Luan, Nguyen Kim Phuong. Mathematical Methods and Software
for Investigating Parameters of an Aquifer. Journal of Economic Geology
and Mineral Resources; pp. 16-23. No. 3/2000.
- Truong Xuan Luan, Truong Xuan Quang. Point Spatial Quantification (Interpolation)
Methods and the Problem of Establishing Isoline Maps by Computers. Journal
of Earth’s Science; pp.154-260. No. 3(T24)/2002.
- Truong Xuan Luan. Optimizing economical mining and technology of exploration.
Journal of Geology. 10-111. No. 271/6-9/2002
- Truong Xuan Luan, Bui Duc Thang, Le Xuan Vinh. Establishing the Geological
Database. Journal of Geology; pp. 107-113. No. 272/9-10/2002.
- Truong Xuan Luan, Nguyen Truong Xuan et al. Water Infrastructure Inventory
System. Scientific- technical Journal of Mining and Geology; pp.146-150.
- Truong Xuan Luan. Study Geostatistics applied for samples to optimize mineral
search and explotation (shape, density, network exploring for works planning).
Journal of Geology; pp. 57-66; No. 292/1-3/2006
- Truong Xuan Luan, Nguyen Thi Yen Giang, Do Thi Tinh. Some Results of Applying
the GIS and RS technologies in Study on the Evaluation recent Geological
Environment at the Balat (Nam Dinh) and Bach Dang (Hai phong City) Estuarine
Area. Journal of Geology; pp. 55-63; No. 293/3-4/2006.
- Truong Xuan Luan, Mamoru Shibayama, Rghavan Venkatesh, Truong Xuan Quang.
GeoInformatics for Researching fields of Social Science and Economics.
Scientific-technical Journal of Mining and Geology; pp.3-5. No.17/01/2007.
- Truong Xuan Luan, Bui Thi Anh Nguyet. Using the Technology of GIS to Establish
the Engineering Geological Map. Scientific-technical Journal of Mining
and Geology; pp.54-59. No. 20/10/2007.
- Atsushi Kajiyama, Muneki Mitamura, Truong Xuan Luan et al. Landslide Monitoring
by Photogrammetry in Mongset Area. Northwestern Vietnam. 2005. International
Journal of Geoinformatics. 125-130. (2005)
- Truong Xuan Luan, Nhu Viet Ha, Truong Xuan Quang. 2007. Integrated GIS,
Remote Sensing and Mathematical Modeling to Study Landslide: A Case Study
Bo River Valley, Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam. Internatioal Journal of Geoinformatics.
Vol. 3, No 4, Dec. 2007. pp. 69-78.
- Truong Xuan Luan, Ngo Hung Long, Truong Xuan Quang. 2008. Constructing
the WEB Page for Assessing and Managing the Contemporary Geological Hazards.
Journal of Geology. No 304/1-2/2008. pp 63-69.
Publications (Proceedings)
- Truong Xuan Luan. Discussion on the communication mechanism and Web interface for internet
map server. Science Conference of Hanoi University of Mining and Geology.
Dec. 2000.
- Truong Xuan Luan, Dao Van Thinh. Investigation and Evaluation of Landslides in Mountainous areas of Tra
Bong and Ve River Basins, Quang Ngai Province. International Symposium
on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied
Sciences. JVGC, pp.398-305, (2002)
- Nguyen Truong Xuan, Truong Xuan Luan, et al. Water Infrastructure Inventory System. Colletion of papers Scientific at
Science Conference of Hanoi University of Mining and Geology; pp.146-150.
- Nguyen Truong Xuan, Truong Xuan, Luan, Pham Duc Hau. Application of information technology for environmental evaluation the
Cau river basin based on Aerial photo interpretation. International Symposium
on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied
Sciences. JVGC, pp.281-284, (2002).
- Truong Xuan Luan, Tran Thi Oanh. Applying Remote Sensing and GIS to Research Modern for Geological Evironment
at the Bach Dang River Mouth Area. Proceedings the Regional Conference
on Digital GMS. AIT Bangkok. pp. 74-78. (2003).
- Truong Xuan Luan, Truong Xuan Quang et al. Data Collection for Cultural and Historical Sites in Thang Long-Hanoi.
International Symposium on Geoinformatics for Historical Studies in Asia.,
pp. 51- 55. (2005).
- Truong Xuan Luan, Truong Xuan Quang, et al. Applying Remote Sensing and GIS to Research and Evaluation of Recent Geological
Evironment; A Case Study in Cua Day Estuarine Area. National Conference
on Geological Science. pp. 373-377; (2005)
- Truong Xuan Luan, Truong Xuan Quang, and Nhu Viet Ha. GIS, RS and mathematical medels in combination to study landside: a case
study of the Bo river cach ments in Thua Thien Hue province of central
of Vietnam. International Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure
Development in Earth and Allied Sciences. JVGC, pp. 113- 122, (2006).
- Truong Xuan Quang, Truong Xuan Luan, Nhu Viet Ha. Data collection and its usefulness for creating database and information
of historical map in Thang Long-Ha Noi. International Symposium on Geoinformatics
for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences. JVGC,
pp. 409- 415, (2006).
- Nguyen Quang Ngoc, Truong Xuan Luan. Applying information technology in researching and teaching Vietnam history.International
Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth
and Allied Sciences. JVGC, 393-398, (2006).
- Pham Quy Nhan, Truong Xuan Luan. Ground Water and its Problems in Hanoi Area. Inter. Conference on Spatiotemporal
Analysis of Hanoi Using the Area Informatics Approach – Historical and
Geological Viewpoint. Hanoi-Sept. 2007.
- Shibayama Mamoru, Truong Xuan Luan et al. The Development and Urbanization Process of Thang Long - Dong Do – Hanoi
from the Informatics Approach. Inter. Conference on Formation and Historical
Changes in Thang Long – Hanoi, Vietnam. Feb/2008.
- Truong Xuan Quang, Truong Xuan Luan. Estimationof the lanslide, a case study of the North-West Vietnam. International
Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth
and Allied Sciences. JVGC, pp. 317-302, ISBN 978-4-901668-37-8. (12/2008).
- Mamoru Shibayama, Go Yonezawa, Truong Xuan Luan. Hanoi Urban transformation in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries on area
informatics approach –disappearance of the lakes and ponds, and transition
of villages- International Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure
Development in Earth and Allied Sciences. JVGC, pp. 397-402, ISBN 978-4-901668-37-8.
- Go Yonezawa, Mamoru Shibayama, Susumu Nonogaki, Shinji Masumoto, Venkatesh
Raghavan, Truong Xuan Luan. Hanoi Urban Transformation in the 19-20 Centuries-topographic changes and
3D modeling- International Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure
Development in Earth and Allied Sciences. JVGC, pp. 409-414, ISBN 978-4-901668-37-8.
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