FEENER, Roy Michael
Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: January 4, 2012 - June 30, 2012)
Division of Socio-Cultural Dynamics
Religious Studies, Islam in Southeast Asia
Research Interests
Islamic law in Indonesia, Religion & NGOs
Academic Career
- Research Leader, Religion Globalization cluster, Asia Research Institute
- Associate Professor of History, National Universty of Singapore
- Muslim Legal Thought in Modern Indonesia, Cambridge University Press, 2007
- From the Ground Up: Perspectives on Post-Tsunami and Post-Conflict Aceh (co-edited with Patrick Daly and Anthony Reid), Singapore: Institute for
Southeast Asian Studies Press, 2012
- Indonesian translation: Bangkit dari Debu: Muliperspektif tentang Aceh Pasca Tsunami dan Pasca
Konflik (Banda Aceh/ Jakarta/ Denpasar: ICAIOS/ KITLV/ Pustaka Larasan, forthcoming
- Islamic Legal Professionals in Contemporary Southeast Asia, co-edited with Mark Cammack and Clark Lombardi as a special issue of
the *Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 21.1 (January 2012)
- Mapping the Acehnese Past (co-edited with Patrick Daly and Anthony Reid), Leiden: KITLV Press, 2011
- Indonesian translation: Memetakan Masa Lampau Aceh (Banda Aceh/ Jakarta/ Denpasar: ICAIOS/ KITLV/ Pustaka Larasan, 2012)
- Islamic Connections: Muslim Societies of South and Southeast Asia (co-edited with Terenjit Sevea) Singapore: Institute for Southeast Asian
Studies Press, 2009
- Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and Institutions, (volume co-edited with Mark Cammack) Harvard University Press, 2007
- Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2004
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