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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

Research Project

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi)

"The Comprehensive Study of Rebirth and Transformation of Cambodian Buddhism"
Project Leader: KOBAYASHI, Satoru

This project aims to contribute toward the understanding of Theravada Buddhism and society in Southeast Asia by studying the historical experience of Cambodian Buddhism from a comprehensive perspective. Theravada Buddhism penetrated into Cambodian society several hundred years before and the majority of its population have been active as Buddhists since then. However, Cambodian Buddhism suffered a complete shutdown by the totalitarian rule of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-79). This project is interested in the actual process of rebirth and transformation of Cambodian people's religious activities in recent years. Firstly, it conducts a document survey of government policy and institutionalization of Buddhism in post-Pol Pot Cambodia. And then, it carries out quantitative field survey on the migration of monks/novices and the flow of objects/money in over 100 templecommunities in the country. Finally, it will analyze the collected data for exploring the varied tradition of Buddhist practice in the country as well as allowing an analysis of the whole picture of the rebirth of Cambodian Buddhism after the rule of Democratic Kampuchea.