職 名:准教授
E-Mail:marioivanlopez [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- At present, my main research focus has been on the increasing transnational flow of nurses and care workers within the Asia Pacific region. In particular, I have been working on a comparative project comparing regional nursing systems as part of an effort to provide a policy response to reformulating the Japanese government’s current mechanism for accepting nurses and care givers from Southeast Asia. This was funded through a MEXT grant-in-aid (until FY2016).
My current research project aims to offer policy suggestions to the Japanese ministries involved in managing care-workers and nurses accepted from the Philippines, Indonesia and potentially, Vietnam. In order to provide examples for creating a more flexible inter-regional “win-win” scheme in managing the flows of skilled labor, I have focused on Europe’s infrastructure for circulating skilled migrant labor on three levels. 1. On countries which are E.U. members and allow for the free movement of labor. 2. On countries which are in the E.U. but place restrictions depending on the political and market needs for skilled labor. 3. On countries which are outside of the E.U. but free to accept and send skilled labor both within the region and accept from outside of it.
Ultimately, based on observations of the regulatory mechanisms in place in the E.U., I hope to provide specific suggestions for the consideration of an ASEAN + Japan mechanism; one that can flexibly respond to the labor market’s needs for highly skilled clinical labor that is attuned to the current political and social conditions of Japan and the sending and receiving nations.
My last research focus is working on a multidisciplinary team project that aims to identify the potentials of “Life-oriented” Societies specific to Southeast Asia. The project arises out of a need to assess and identify indicates which are most appropriate for Monsoon Asia, an area rich in ecological, biological and societal diversity. The ultimate aim of the research is to collaboratively develop an index that measures the regional dynamism of the region and focus on its latent potential: one that can be measured in terms of the durability of ecosystems, their services, diverse species, human populations, social systems and the welfare needs of societies.
著 書:
著者名 | タイトル | 年月 |
Mario Lopez/Shitara Narumi (Editors) | CSEAS Newsletter | 2015 |
CSEAS, Kyoto-. Spring 2015, No 71. | ||
Mario Lopez/Shitara Narumi (Editors) | CSEAS Newsletter | 2015 |
CSEAS, Kyoto-. Autumn 2015, No 70. |
論 文:
著者名 | タイトル | 年月 |
Mario Lopez | Book Review: : License to Play: The Ludic in Japanese Culture | 2016 |
Asian Journal of Social Science, Vol44 : . | ||
Mario Lopez | Book Review: Born out of Place: Migrant Mothers and the Politcs of International Labor | 2015 |
Southeast Asian Studies (SEAS), Vol4(2) : 438-442. | ||
マリオ・アイバン・ロペズ、 大野 俊 |
ドイツにおける外国人看護師の受入れ ― 「トリプル・ウィン・プロジェクト」の事例を中心に | 2015 |
特集 経済連携協定(EPA)制度を通してみた日本とアジアの看護. こころと文化 、14巻2号 123-131. | ||
Mario Lopez (Guest Editor) | Collaborative Research in Southeast Asia: towards a sustainable humanosphere,” International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS) Newsletter, pp. 23-34. | 2013 |
Mario Lopez | Reconstituting the Affective Labor of Filipinos as Careworkers in Japan | 2012 |
Global Networks, 2012. Vol. 12(2): 252-268 | ||
Mario Lopez | Progressive Entanglements: Religious Intimacy in Japanese-Filipino Marriages. | 2012 |
Philippine Studies, Vol 60. No.2: 261-90. |