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第30回 KUASS 「Ecological and social dynamics of agricultural systems in southern Cameroon」
2014/12/05 @ 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
イベント ナビゲーション
場所: 稲盛財団記念館3階318号室
言語: 英語
演題: Ecological and social dynamics of agricultural systems in southern Cameroon
演者: Martin Yemefack博士(IRAD: カメルーン農業開発研究所 / IITA: 国際熱帯農業研究所カメルーン事務所)
Shifting cultivation or slash and burn agriculture is the mother of all
existing farming systems in southern Cameroon. It is the main land use
systems practiced by small scale farmers to ensure subsistence food and a
small income. However, due interactions between ecological and
socio-economical events, the system shows a great spatial variants and
tremendous transformations. It is by essence an agricultural system that
capitalizes for its sustainability on nutrient stored in vegetation and
topsoil. Its evolution till date in most parts of the forest and humid
savannah areas of southern Cameroon has been influenced the quality of
natural resources, socioeconomic setting but more importantly macroeconomic
events. It is nowadays based mostly on rotational short fallow systems as
due to high demand on land near villages and increasing trade in food crops
products. But, there is also a continuously encroachment into primarily
forest because of market-oriented productions. Burning also induces changes
in soil properties and environmental services. Several international
efforts have been made to stabilize the system and improve the livelihood
of communities that practise it. Environmental services such as carbon
stocks decrease with increasing extension of agricultural frontiers at the
expense of forest. But, gains are also observed in savannah-forest margins
where forest takes over after agricultural practices or the development of
agro-forests from previous savannah ecosystems. The grass field bocage
model with its agro-forests and intensified monocultural systems are sound
practices that need to be explored for system productivity enhancement and
environmental protection. Some developmental pathways are possible: (i) the
development of intensive high carbon agro-systems with multipurpose trees
in the highlands, prompted by high population density and the dynamism of
grass field people; (ii) the development of extensive low carbon and high
profitable agricultural system associated with the production of food
crops; (iii) the development of combined approaches for ensuring a
sustainable agricultural production, an added value by the transformation
of agricultural products and an adequate marketing systems; etc. The
implication of these in the actual context of reducing emissions from
deforestation and degradation (REDD+), is that a wide gamut of policies and
further researches must be undertaken, if the goal of reducing
inappropriate deforestation is to be taken seriously.
Keywords: Shifting cultivation dynamic, agroforestry, agricultural
intensification, sustainable resource management, climate change, research
gaps, southern Cameroon.
住所:〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿逹町46
電話: 075-753-7800(事務室) / 7803(センター長室)
FAX:075-753-7810 / 9191
E-Mail: caas[at]jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- 日付:
- 2014/12/05
- 時間:
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- イベントカテゴリー:
- 関連する学会・研究会
- 稲盛財団記念館3階318号室
- kyoto
イベント ナビゲーション