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2015/01/16 @ 4:00 PM - 6:15 PM
イベント ナビゲーション
日時:2015年1月16日(金)16:00~18:15 (15:30分開場)
総合研究2号館(旧・工学部 4号館)4階 AA401
(京都市左京区吉田本町京都大学本部構内 百万遍のすぐ近くです。)
話題提供者:Johanis Haba氏 インドネシア国立科学院(LIPI)調査教授 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科客員教授
発表題目:Indonesian Government Policy on Resettlement: Center-periphery’s engages
Indonesian government, recognizes some resettlement schemes, and two among them are: Transmigration Program and Resettlement for the Isolated People (Pemukiman Kembali Masyarakat Terasing), respectively. Transmigration Program was initially introduced by the Dutch Colonial Government in 1905, to remove people from density populace areas, such as Keresidenan Kedu, Central Java to the outer islands, like Gedongtataan in Lampung. Main objective of this policy was to allocate more labor force onto plantation sites, as well as, to reduce number of population in Java. Transmigration Program then be developed massively after Indonesia gained its independence; and reached its peak under Soeharto’s New Order Regime (Orde Baru). While Transmigration Program is decreasing in smaller scale, Indonesian Government through Department of Social Affairs launched a new resettlement scheme named Resettlement for the Isolated People convened in 1969. Transmigration Program is implemented to bring people from one province to another provinces in the country, whereas Resettlement Program for the Isolated People is to relocate people only in the same village (desa) and sub-district (kecamatan). Major purposes of the Transmigration Program and Resettlement for the Isolated People are: to increase people’s standard of living, reducing poverty and minimizing environmental destruction. Indonesian government development plans, through its national development strategies, also confronts challenges and creates tension between stakeholders; whether people in the receiving areas or people in the sending areas or targeted resettlers.
This paper will focus mostly on Resettlement for the Isolated People in Central Sulawesi Province, relating it with the following issues. First, general phenomena of resettlement program, second, lesson learned from relocating programme in other countries, third, tension among policy makers, agents of change and resettlers, and fourth, is about social and economic alteration being experienced by people in the resettlement sites.
東南アジアの社会と文化研究会 2014年度世話人代表・研究会事務局