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2015/05/22 @ 4:00 PM - 6:15 PM
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今回は東南アジア研究所招聘研究員として来日中の、歴史学者Thongchai Winichakul(トンチャイ・ウィニッチャクーン)氏(ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校)をお招きし、出版されてから20年になる Siam Mapped : A History of the Geo-body of a Nation (邦訳『地図がつくったタイ 国民国家誕生の歴史』)についてお話ししていただきます。
日時:2015年5月22日(金)16:00~18:15 (15:30分開場)
トンチャイ・ウィニッチャクーン教授 Professor Thongchai Winichakul
ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校 University of Wisconsin–Madison
東南アジア研究所招聘研究員 Visiting Scholar CSEAS
タイトル:Marking the 20th anniversary of Siam Mapped : A History of the Geo-body of the Nation
It has been just over twenty years since Thongchai Winichakul’s ground-breaking work Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-body of a Nation was published. In this path-breaking study, Thongchai investigated how Siam came to be understood as one spatial entity in the age of modern cartography. Prior to the rise of this “geo-body,” he argues, overlapping or multiple forms of sovereignty were rather common in this part of the world. Territorial nation-states emerged as mutually exclusive sovereignties in the modern era. By examining maps, diplomatic correspondence, and popular media, Thongchai illustrates how the development of modern cartography has contributed to the formation of modern nationalism. Siam Mapped challenged the conventional narrative of Thailand and changed the course of Thai studies ever since.
Published in 1994, the book was, in the author’s words, “inspired by, and dedicated to, the friends who lost their lives … on Wednesday morning of 6 October 1976 at Thammasat University in Bangkok.” In turn the book inspired countless scholars including Benedict Anderson. Thongchai became the first Thai scholar to win the prestigious Harry J. Benda Prize.He also received the Grand Prize of Asia Pacific Book Award from the Asian Affairs Research Council in 2004. The journal SOJOURN (Apr 2009) considers Siam Mapped as one of “the most influential books of Southeast Asian Studies.” The Japanese translation, beautifully done by Yoneo Ishii, appeared in in 2003 (『地図がつくったタイ 国民国家誕生の歴史』) .
Our May event will be an occasion to reflect on this important study. Thongchai will share his own reflections, following an introduction to Siam Mapped by the moderator. Thongchai’s talk will be followed by a Q&A session.
東南アジアの社会と文化研究会 2014年度世話人代表・研究会事務局