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2015/10/02 @ 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
京都大学総合研究 2 号館 4 階 大会議室(AA447 ) http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/map6r_y.htm
Shankar Aswani (ローズ大学(南アフリカ)教授)
Shankar Aswani氏は 社会人類学と海洋生態学を修め、数々の研究業績を挙げてきた上、フィールドワークの成果に基づいて実際に海洋保護区を設置し、社会文化調和的な保全生態学を切り開いてきました。
コンザベーション・インターナショナル、パッカード財団等からの資金援助や、Pewフェローの受賞など世界的に高く評価されており、論文もConservation Biologyなどでのファーストオーサーのほか、共著でScienceにも掲載されています。
People and Reefs: Studying Human Ecology for Managing Marine Resources
Marine resource managers are increasingly interested in incorporating local knowledge from fishermen and their marine governance institutions to make management decisions, design regulatory measures, identify area use conflicts, and develop protected areas. In some locations such information has been collected, mapped and presented, however quantitative mechanisms and institutional pathways to use this information alongside forecasting models and statistical data remains a challenge to managers. In this talk I will explore methods used in the Solomon Islands to successfully combine local and traditional knowledge as well as governance institutions to policy, and where co-management systems have resolved conflict between local and centralized authorities to some degree.