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Special Seminar by Mr. Sudiyatmiko Aribowo on February 10
2017/02/10 @ 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
イベント ナビゲーション
You are cordially invited to a special seminar by Mr. Sudiyatmiko Aribowo. This seminar is supported by the International Program of Collaborative Research (IPCR), Center for Southeast Asian Studies. The details are as follows.
Date: February 10 (Fri.), 2017 15:00-17:00
Venue: Confrence room (room 107), 1st floor of East build. CSEAS, Kyoto Univ.
Title: Uneasy president-ruling party relationship in Indonesia and the politics of Jakartan gubernatorial election
Speaker: Sudiyatmiko Aribowo (Head of Internal Affairs, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle[PDIP])
Mr. Sudyatmiko Aribowo is the chief campaign strategist of the current ruling party PDIP in Indonesia. He will talk about the politics of
Jakartan gubernatorial election, on 15 February, in relation to uneasy relationship between president and ruling party. The incumbent governor
Basuki Purnama (Ahok) is now on the trial because of his alleged “blasphemy against Islam”. There were huge demonstrations against Ahok
in November and December 2016. Based on the first hand information, Mr. Sudyatmiko will explain politics behind the election.